

Elanor looked at Cecilia. Cecilia's eyes were resolute. 

"Do you think the paternity test result was wrong?" Elanor inquired.

"I know you might think I must be crazy after how I have behaved towards Phoenix, but…." Cecilia pursed her lips and looked at the flowers in the garden, "I feel powerful emotions towards her. A feeling that rattled me inside. I know it was related to my daughter. I feared it and thought my heart was in turmoil because someone had stolen Ashton who was supposed to be Camellia's," Cecilia told Elanor truthfully about what she felt. "But what if the emotions that I felt were actually a connection between mother and daughter? I pushed down those with the illogical thought about losing my daughter if I lose Ashton," Cecilia opined. 

Elanor pondered about what Cecilia said. She held Cecilia's hand, "Why don't you test it again? Instead of comparing it to Edward's DNA, how about comparing it to your DNA?" Elanor suggested.
