


I was such a coward. 

A stupid, helpless dweeb who couldn't protect his woman. What good was having her in my life if I couldn't even fucking ensure her safety? 

Madeline was out there, and every minute Brielle spent with me was one that could put her in even more danger. 

I couldn't have that. 

She was better off with someone else… someone who was more capable of taking care of her— someone whose… whose baggage didn't turn around to haunt his perfect life in anyway, 

She needed someone who wasn't me. 

That was why I was gently exiting her life. She may not want that now, but eventually, she'd come to thank me for saving her from my messy life. She would come to realize that I'd done her a huge favor when she's happy with some other man. 

With some other man who could give her the protection and safety I never could. 

I was going to go on that trip. 
