
Chapter 777 Strange Transformation

The Quantum Shadow, now a silent sentinel in the vastness of space, continued its watch over the enigmatic Shadow Forge. Weeks turned into months, and the war across the galaxy progressed at a painstakingly slow pace, with neither side able to claim a decisive advantage. Yet, under Captain Ilsa's command, the ship and its crew played a crucial role in shedding light on the darkness that veiled the war.

The intelligence gathered by the Quantum Shadow proved invaluable. "We've never had this much insight into the demons' operations before," Captain Ilsa remarked during a strategy meeting with her senior crew. "Every bit of data we collect brings us closer to understanding our enemy."

Emboldened by their success, Captain Ilsa made a bold decision. "It's time to take a more active approach. We'll deploy small vessels to intercept unassuming demon ships. Dr. Ren, prepare the brain reading technology. We need to know what they know."
