
Chapter 600 Stars

After the guardsmen cleaned up the underground lair, all of them, Salamander and allies included, reach for the surface.

After they finally got out of the underground lair, they saw the battle was already over. Guardsmen began to put out the fire and cleaned the rubbles. The city began rebuilding itself in no time as citizen also came to help, slowly fixing the destroyed buildings en mass.

Aldred was amazed by how efficient the people were.

"That was one tiring day," Cleome said with a sigh of relief. "And I am glad it's over."

"Me too," Shinari said, taking in a deep breath. "Let's go back and have a rest."

The group returned to head base along with the guardsmen.

After they arrived, a familiar face greeted them. It was Commander Brenea.

"All of you have done well. It was because of you that we manage to survive," Commander Brenea said.
