
Chapter 423 Her Name Is

Bargoosk was stupefied. "What did you do to me?"

"I gave you power," Aldred said with a smile.

"But how? To turn someone ordinary into a Gold Rank immediately… that would require a tremendous amount of rare treasure. Generally, it would be a waste of resources to turn an ordinary person into a Gold Rank because the treasure could help hundreds of Silver Rank to advance."

"Hmmm, it only take me a handful of blood," Aldred said. "By the way, you are no longer human."

"Then what am I?"

"Half vampire and half demon, I guess."

"So, you're a mixed breed. But your blood seems stronger than most mix breed. It should be impossible for you to turn me into a Gold Rank immediately."

"Don't think too much about it. Now, will you tell me how to reach the top? Don't worry about your former client. Now, I am your client, and I can offer something better."
