
Chapter 269 Class F Against Class A

Class F walked down the stage under the cheers of the audience. Their smiles were as wide as they can be. Jeben and his friends were all proud of themselves. Some of them even cried.

They could now properly hold their head high without being looked down upon again. They had been underestimated in school all this time, but now, everyone gave them praise and congratulations.

When the crowd parted and revealed Aldred nodding at them with a smile, they realized that all of this would not be possible if not for their master.

They wanted to rush at him and kowtowed under his feet for giving them this power, but Aldred did not allow them.

"Win this competition first," Aldred said. "Only then will you all be worthy to pay your respect to me."

The students looked at each other with a smile. "Yes, Master!"
