
Chapter 263 Tunnel Raid 2

"The tunnel is deeper than I thought," Aldred said as he sat on the sofa, staring at the map on the table.

The map on the table changed the moment the soldiers in the tunnel mapped the tunnel. So whenever they add something on their own map, it would show on Saphira's map.

With this, they could see how deep the tunnel was immediately, and with Aldred's ability to see whatever the golems see, and Stella's magic mirror, their surveillance capability was unmatched.

Of course they could tell the Diamond Ranks to do that, but that would bring the enemy's Diamond Rank as well.

It was like using a nuclear bomb. If he used one, the enemy would use one as well.

They could threaten to use it, and aimed it at the enemy, but that was all.

"Anyway, what are we going to do about the civilians?" Stella asked.

The golems met a lot of civilians in the tunnel who were blocking they way. Some of them died because of the cross-fire, but he had sent some golems to guide them out of the tunnel.
