
Chapter 240 School Visit

"So where do you think this Aldred is?"

"Word says that he's here. In Thory City."

"Should we hunt him down?"

"A lot of people tried and became his undead. Do you want to be one of them?"

"We can surely bring him down with enough people."

"Sigh. Let me ask you simple question. If you gather your people now, can you go and conquer a city in one day?"

"Of course not."

"Exactly. This man can do it, and you think enough people is enough to defeat him?"

"Fuck, you're right. But with that amount of money, why haven't the Platinum Ranks made a move yet?"

"He's protected by the curse of the treasure hunter."

"Ah, I see. So he's one of those treasure hunters. No wonder."

After an hour or so, Aldred finished eating his food. Then they all stood up to leave the restaurant after paying the bills.

But before that, he slowly passed the table that talked about him earlier and gave them a haughty smirk.
