
Chapter 275: Awake

Kat PoV

All I could feel as I awoke was sharp pains in my leg and a deep chill permeating my body, colder then I had ever been in a long time.

Opening my eyes, I groaned as I sat up, looking around me in confusion, my mind still in a haze.

I was sitting in a deep circular pit, the walls and floor made up of untouched stone coated in frost and pale blue lichens.

High above me was an opening into... a cavern of some sorts, the only sounds from above being the shrill sounds of wind blowing through the cavern and splashes of water droplets hitting the ground.

Remaining still, I strained my senses as I searched for anything hostile in the area around me, before sighing slightly in relief at a lack of anything nearby.

Though, that sigh of relief turned into a hiss of agonizing pain as I tried to move my right leg.

Keyword 'tried'.
