
Message From Mother Mikaelson

Elijah took a step back. She was fierce.

"Wolves, Vampires, Witches will have to learn to live together, tolerate and respect each other!" Caroline told him, "Discipline is what they need, it's what Charlotte needs! So, they don't turn into us!"

Caroline couldn't believe that it was Elijah who would oppose her decision of opening a school.

She walked away.

Elijah Mikaelson turned to see Caroline walk away, he had a raised respect for her.

She went inside.

"Hello, love," Klaus Mikaelson appeared from the window,

She jumped,

"We have doors, Klaus!" She sighed.

"I know….If I come from the door, it won't be surprising." He smiled. "Now, the window….No one comes in through the window."

"Did you find her?" She asked,

"No….She hasn't struck since Stefan killed Rayna Cruz." Klaus sighed, "But, still she is here…..She won't give up this easily."

"Klaus, if Esther is eliminated, the vampires don't get daylight rings for slavery, and no moonlight rings for the wolves." She told him. "A balance will be made."

"Niklaus!" they both heard Elijah shout.

Caroline opened the door,

"What happened?" She asked. Klaus was standing right behind her.

Caroline looked out, a young teenage girl was on the ground with a knife in her neck. She had bled out.

"What the bloody hell happened in here?" Klaus asked.

"Mother happened!" Elijah handed him a paper. "What else!"

Klaus snatched it from his hands. And opened it.

Caroline read it.

"I want a Mikaelson Family Reunion. Everybody should come, if they don't." She read, "One of the wolves that have come into the family will die a painful death."

"That..." Klaus crumpled up the paper, and threw it on the floor.

"That means, either….Hayley, me…." She stopped, she couldn't say it.

"Or Charlotte." Elijah completed the sentence for her.

"She won't hurt Charlotte, will she?" Caroline whispered. "She won't hurt a two year old, would she?"

Elijah felt a wave of pity for the girl standing in front of him. She had been wronged, every minute of her life, ever since she had joined the Mikaelson Family. Love could make you do unreasonable things. She loved Klaus, and she embraced this trouble completely. She couldn't let anyone touch her daughter.

"She won't lay a hand on my daughter, Klaus?!" She shook his shoulders, "What the hell….Say something! She won't do anything!!"

Klaus could feel her hands tremble.

"Caroline, our mother is after something." Elijah told her, "She will not stop, even if it means spilling her own blood!"

"What do we do?" Caroline asked.

"I will kill her!" She almost shouted.

Elijah could see how much Klaus influenced her. Klaus Mikaelson went to great lengths to protect what he loved. Caroline Forbes was ready to go to great lengths to protect whom she loved.

"Nothing…." Klaus told her, "We got to see her."


"Nothing will happen, love," He told Caroline, "There's one of her, and many of us, I'll ask if Davina will come so we can also have a witch by our side."

Klaus Mikaelson was handling this rationally, Elijah couldn't believe it. Caroline had influenced him a lot.

Caroline sighed. Ever since she had transitioned into a wolf, Her life had been fights, tortures, running, killing and schemes.

"Okay…" She gave in.

"Now, all we have to do is send a message back!" Klaus said brightly.

"Tomorrow night?" Elijah asked her.

She looked at the two brothers, they had been having these kinds of dinners for a better part of a millennium now. They knew what they were doing.

She took Charlotte down to the Bayou, so she could see Hayley again.

She and Charlotte started to play with the girls in the bayou, she lost track of time. Caroline was having fun, she hadn't relaxed this much in ages.

Caroline was standing near the lake, when Charlotte came running towards her, and collided with Caroline,

"Ahhh!!" Caroline screamed, as she fell into the lake. "Charlotte!"

"Sorry…" Charlotte tried to stifle a laugh.

Caroline shook her head, she was really Klaus Mikaelson's daughter.

"Now, help me out!" She told her daughter,

She held up a hand, and Caroline took it, and pulled her in.

"Aaahhh!" Charlotte screamed, "Mommy!!"

Caroline laughed at her, her three year old daughter, clutched at her.

She was really Klaus Mikaelson's wife.

Caroline came out of the water, and Charlotte was dragged out of it by her mother.

"Come on, let's go!" She told Charlotte.

"Can we come here with daddy sometime?" Charlotte asked her mother.

"Why not, sweetie?" She told her. "We can ask him."

Charlotte came towards Caroline, and grabbed her hand.

"If he says no.." Caroline told her daughter, "We can kidnap him…"

Caroline smiled.

"Show you something, sweetie?" Caroline picked up Charlotte.

Charlotte nodded, and smiled. Caroline used vampire speed to take Charlotte back to the Mikaelson Compound. She giggled.

Caroline put her down again,

"That was fun, wasn't it?" She asked.

She and Charlotte walked up the stairs, Charlotte chattering at top speed. Their clothes and hair damp from the water from the lake.

"I think….We have company over," Caroline murmured to herself. She had forgotten everything that had happened a few hours ago.

She came inside.

"Hello?" Looking in the dining hall, she saw all her family. And Esther Mikaelson.

She froze.

"If it isn't the lovely mother of my beautiful granddaughter!" She smirked.

"She is nothing to you, Mother!" Klaus growled, "Nothing!!"

Caroline picked up her daughter.

"Relax, Niklaus!" She laughed, "It's family time."

Everyone was there, Elijah, Hayley, Klaus, Kol, Davina.

"Sit down! Caroline…." She said sharply.

"Momma…" Charlotte tugged at her shirt, "I am.."

"It's okay, sweetie." Caroline picked her up, "Just five minutes, okay?"

Charlotte nodded.

Caroline pulled a chair, between Klaus and Kol. She held on to her daughter tightly.

Kol started to play with her, poking her softly. He never cared or understood the seriousness of the situation. He didn't care at all.

"I can give you three an out." Esther Mikaelson looked from Hayley to Caroline, and then at Davina. "Leave my sons, and your life will be spared."

Shocks appeared on their faces.

"And, in your case, Caroline!" She looked directly at her, "It'll mean leaving Charlotte behind."

She looked at her granddaughter, she didn't feel bad at all. She didn't soften for her beautiful grandchild.
