
Mikaelson Versus Mikaelson

Caroline used vampire speed to rush over to Hayley.

"Is she okay!?" Caroline looked at Hayley and Charlotte. "She's okay….isn't she?"

"She's fine, Love!" Klaus told her he wasn't looking at his daughter, but the vampires who were dying in the middle of the street, as there was no one else there.

"What happened here?" She looked at Klaus.

"I don't know…"

Marcel Gerard who jumped down from a terrace.

"I saw her." He told them, "I was going to come to help her, but looks like she didn't need any,"

"What happened, Marcel?" Caroline asked him, worriedly.

"She bit them."

"Bit?" Klaus looked at Charlotte to Marcel. "Really?"

"That's it?" Elijah asked him. "She defeated them all by a baby bite?!"

"That's it."

Caroline bit her arm, and started to cure the vampires who were almost dying.

"What are you doing?" Klaus asked her angrily. "They attacked Charlotte."

Caroline told him. "I cannot kill anyone who comes in my path!"

"They were going to kill my daughter!" He shouted.

"Klaus! Klaus…" She stood up, and held his arms, "No….I can't do that….We can punish them, but no, I can't kill them."

"I am…."

"Would you kill Stefan too?"

Klaus had no answers. He wouldn't kill Stefan. Mostly, because he was possessed by his mother, and he was Caroline's friend.

"So, You suggest I just let them go?" He asked,

"Why don't you compel them?" Caroline told him, "And maybe use them to your advantage!"

Elijah nodded, sometimes he thought that Caroline had a small dark side which was much darker than any of them.

Caroline Forbes-Mikaelson, Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol and Hayley came back into the compound as they had found Charlotte.

Davina had to go to the French Quarter to get some herbs.

Caroline found that Stefan was gone. But she found a letter in the basement.

"Dearest Caroline,

I am going back, Davina Claire explained everything. I am sorry that I came, but I didn't know what I was doing.

I am sorry for what I did to Charlotte, but I'll be back soon. Once Bonnie finds a solution, she says, she is near a breakthrough.

Davina gave me all the herbs I needed to keep away from Rayna Cruz.

I'll come to visit you and my beautiful niece, when I am free and out of danger.

Forgive me for attacking her, even though I don't remember it.

Forever yours,

Stefan Salvatore."

She looked at it, and it fell from her hand.

/"I'm sorry, Stefan….." She whispered, "And I'll wait for you. I promise...."

Klaus Mikaelson was going inside the compound, when he saw Caroline standing in the basement.

"Caroline?" He asked, surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"He left…" She handed him the paper, "Klaus, he's gone…."

"I know, love, and it is for the best!"

"Klaus, he is in trouble!" Caroline turned towards him.

"And, Stefan wouldn't have come here….It's not like him!" Klaus explained, "Too much is going on here, your friends, being here….will only have him in more trouble."


"There is something much bigger than vampire hunters going on here!" Klaus told her, "New Orleans is on the verge of a war."

"Yes! I know!" Caroline said exasperatedly, "It has been ever since it was made, Vampires after wolves, witches after vampires.."

"No, Caroline…..One witch against all of us."

She looked confused.

"It's a Mikaelson battle!" Elijah told her, "Us against…."

"Esther Mikaelson versus us!" Klaus interrupted.

"Your mother?" She asked. "Why?"

"Because….She is a crazy woman!" She told him. "And she hates us!"

"Everything will be okay…." She asked, "Promise me, Klaus…..The fight can never come to Charlotte away again?"

"I promise, Caroline." Klaus told her, "nothing will happen to Charlotte, not that she isn't a fighter."

She smiled.

"And nothing will happen to you," He held her, "Not that you don't put up a fight!"

Her head leaned on his shoulder.

All of the Mikaelson were sitting in the Mikaelson living room, Davina was sitting with them. Caroline and Klaus sat next to each other, with Charlotte in the middle. She was sleeping, her head in Caroline's lap. She was unconsciously running her hand on Charlotte's soft blond hair.

"We have to do something about it!" Hayley sighed.

"Mother will not be so easy to take down!" Elijah sat up, straightening his jacket.

Kol Mikaelson was quiet. He was in deep thought.

"You know, what is odd?" He said,

Everyone looked at him.

"We haven't seen Finn in a while!"

Klaus pointed a finger at him,

"You know what!" Klaus sat up, "Kol's right!"

"Finn….We haven't seen Finn!" Elijah said.

"I can do a spell to see where he is!" Davina told them.

Caroline pulled out an atlas from the table, and gave it to Davina.

"Why do we have an atlas?" Klaus asked her,

"I got it for Charlotte." Caroline looked away.

Kol snorted,

"For a toddler?"

"I want her to be smart!" Caroline snapped.

"Can you two shut up!?" Hayley stopped the bickering.

Davina was using the locator spell, Caroline had seen Bonnie use it so many times. She remembered how simple her life was in Mystic Falls. Did she miss it? No....She missed her friends, sure! But her life here was so perfect…..So alive, so fun, adventurous. Everyday, she felt that she was alive.

"Blood…" Davina told them, "I want a Mikaelson to give blood to find him."

Kol jumped, he bit his arm, Davina pointed towards the map. Drops of blood fell on the book, and moved.

Davina's eyes were closed.

"Look!" Kol almost yelled. "He's here….."

"Why are there two spots on the map, Davina?" Caroline asked her.

The blood stopped in the French Quarter, in the witches' cemetery.

She looked at them.

"Another Mikaelson." She said,

"Esther…." Caroline whispered.

"She's here!" Klaus sat up, "We know that she's here….But we don't know how she looks!"

"She's your mother!" Hayley looked at Klaus, "How could you not know how she looks?"

"She's a witch!" Elijah explained,

"So?" Hayley was still confused,

"She's body jumping!" Klaus explained.

"Oh…." Hayley sat back. "So, what's the plan?"

"I don't know…." Klaus sat back and looked deep in thought. "But something, and soon!"
