
Big Gains

Before Kanzaki finished talking with Rainbow Bunny he gave her a few things that he wanted to be made whenever she had the time and when he showed her his ideas she was quite shocked by his knowledge of what would work with his model.

[Rainbow Bunny: That looks great! I think I could make this and I don't think there should be any tweaks on it. It should fit perfectly with not only your model but your stream as a whole. For now I have to go, a gym just opened up and I want to try it out. See you later!]

When Rainbow Bunny mentioned a gym opening up it caused Kanzaki to remember that he also had a gym opening up in his apartment and that he needed to check what date it opened up.

[Mask: No worries! Have a great day!]

Once Kanzaki sent his goodbye message he quickly turned off his computer and began making his way down the floors of his apartment. As Kanzaki took the stairs down his apartment floors he inwardly thanked Rainbow Bunny for helping him remember that there was a gym opening up in his apartment building.

While Kanzaki might be having fun streaming and wants to make it a priority, at the same time he didn't want his health to decline because of it. The healthier he was the longer he could stream and the longer he could stream the happier he was.

Kanzaki walked all the way down to the bottom floor before walking toward the room that held the sign for the upcoming gym. When Kanzaki arrived he was surprised to see that the sign was gone! Not only was the sign gone but the gym itself was open and bustling with people!

'I have never seen so many people here at once.' Kanzaki thought in shock as he watched people going in and out of the gym. From the outside windows, Kanzaki could see that there were an abundant amount of workout options in this gym that wouldn't be present even in most modern-day gyms.

There were normal things such as treadmills and different types of barbells but the thing that shocked Kanzaki the most were the different workout machines that targeted different parts of the body. On the machine there was a little graph that showed which part of the body the machine strengthened and how it worked.

Kanzaki was so amazed by it all that he missed the girl walking passed him and into the gym. If Selena was the one there then she would recognize her as the girl that answered the door with art stuff in the background.

'This is amazing.' Kanzaki thought as he walked inside the gym. There were many people around him with sweat already pouring off their bodies from the extreme workout they were doing but Kanzaki was underprepared for something like that.

After looking around for a while and looking at his own casual outfit Kanzaki just decided to get on the treadmill and run for a while. As he was running he continued to ramp up the speed and incline on the machine that way he could get his heart beating faster and faster making blood circulate throughout his body.

According to articles, Kanzaki read if he gets his heart pumping for at least 30 minutes a day then his health will be a lot better than most people so that's exactly what he did. Once he finished running Kanzaki was pouring more sweat than the guy that had been doing an extreme workout.

'I guess I'm slightly out of shape.' Kanzaki sighed in exhaustion as he quickly pressed the button for the treadmill to stop moving. He felt like he was about to collapse if he didn't sit down but he still had a long way to get to his room so he powered through and began walking out the door.

As Kanzaki began wobbling out the door he got many different looks from people. Some were looking at him as if he were a pitiful ant and making fun of him of course not that he cared but there were also those that had been in his situation before and were looking at him with looks of encouragement giving him thumbs up and saying for him to come back tomorrow.

'What a weird crowd.' Kanzaki thought to himself as he saw the polar opposite reactions from each person. He was thankful for those encouraging him and told him that but as for the people laughing at him, he just ignored them as he did in his streams.

As Kanzaki was walking out of the gym and thanking another person a voice stopped him, "You may need this." A male voice said to him.

When Kanzaki heard the voice projected toward him he turned and met the sight of a man he had never met before. The man had short blonde hair plastered on his head with chiseled features but the main sight of the man was his choice of clothes. They were skinny jeans that clung tightly to every part of his body showing every curve and angle that would be on his person.

As for the shirt he was wearing it was a simple blue collared shirt that made him look like he worked at some sort of golf resort.

When Kanzaki realized the man was not only talking to him but offering him a water bottle Kanzaki quickly accepted the water bottle in his hands, "Thank you." Kanzaki said as he received the water bottle.

"No problem at all. I remember when I was just like you. I had started out without any kind of muscle or anything active to my name. Some people laughed to themselves when they saw me exercise while some people outright made fun of me but it takes time so don't let it get to you." The man said as he patted Kanzaki on the back making him almost fall over.


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