
Succubi and Clubs

"And with a final flick of the tongue, I made that sexy little thing scream as she succumbed to the pleasure" Neo finished, tilting her glasses up with a smirk as she took in the flushed faces of the male and female students.

Of course, all the males were awkwardly hunched over while the females were looking away. But the best reactions happened to be Rias and Kurumu's. Rias had her hands covering her red face while Kurumu looked utterly defeated and incredibly embarrassed. Moka and Tearwyn's ears were covered by Neopolitan, for their sakes. So, as a result, Moka was more taken back by her clothing change.

"Do you know magic, Neo!?" Moka asked, trying to think of what monster she could be.

"No that's just our neat ability. Though it pales in comparison to my drip ability.." Neo smugly said, seeing Neopolitan's eyes roll.

"WHY!?" Rias and Kurumu asked, seeing Neo deactivate her semblance.

"The question is why not?" Neo responded with a smirk, hearing Rias huff.

"Stop stealing my private notebook!" Rias grabbed and shook Neo by the shoulders and complained with a glare.

"Stop putting it in easily findable places" Neo chuckled, seeing Rias scowl.

"Fuck you" Rias said after groaning, hearing Neo cackle at her remark.

"Fuck me yourself, you coward" Neo replied, seeing Rias turn a shade of red again.

"I'm going to go insane.. I'm really going to go insane!" Rias muttered to herself as Tearwyn laughed and rubbed her head with Neopolitan.

"Why..? How did you take away all that I built..?" Kurumu asked, seeing Neo ready to go get lunch with everyone.

"Huh? Oh, not everything sexy is visual. Sometimes you can just sound sexy. Also charming people with an ability is kinda cheating. Not that I can really talk with my passive.. At least I don't control the thoughts of others. More like a situation in those Chinese novels where they say 'jade skin' or 'phoenix eyes' and 'country toppling beauty'" Neo said with a shrug, muttering the last part to herself.

"S..So that's it? You're just prettier than me?" Kurumu asked, looking ready to fight.

"Eh let's not have this conversation here. Come with us to eat lunch. I brought an extra bento 'cause I knew someone would be annoying me today" Neo gestured to her before walking up the stairs.

"Ugh.. fine.. Just answer me when we sit down!" Kurumu relented, following them as Moka greeted her.

"Um.. hi there! I'm Moka Akashiya" Moka greeted with a small wave.

"Kurumu Kurono.. What's her deal anyway?" Kurumu asked, brow twitching in irritation as she watched Neo pat Rias' back to console her.

"Hmm... uh.. I don't really know a whole lot about her but I do know one thing.." Moka said, her tone shifting.

"And that is..?" Kurumu leaned in to whisper.

"She's so small!! I think she's around a hundred and forty five centimeters!" Moka guessed with a smile.

"That's not what I..-Wait, really..? Oh wow, she and her sister are tiny" Kurumu said as they got to the roof, hearing Neo clear her throat.

"I like to call it 'Fun sized' but anyway.. Let's eat! I made this with all my cheats, so dig in" Neo said while unpacking the lunches for everyone.

Of course, it both looked and smelled delicious. And that was enough to get Kurumu to accept it and start eating. Kurumu and Moka moaned in pleasure as they tasted the food, whereas Rias, Neopolitan and Tearwyn were more accustomed to it.

"Wait why am I so casually enjoying food with you lot like we're friends!?" Kurumu asked, outraged.

Though she was still stuffing tempura shrimp in her mouth, making Neo nod in appreciation.

"Good.. You have good 'straight man' energy, Kurumu. Anyway, to answer your question.. Because are friends?" Neo halfheartedly answered.

"Wha- When did this happen!?" Kurumu asked, her irritation going down as she continued to eat.

"Around the time you and Moka were squealing about mine and OG's height? You seem like a nice girl, so why not? Consider us Tomodachi's" Neo said, cringing at herself as she finished talking.

"Oh fuck me that was cringe.." Neo muttered.

~Good thing nobody but everyone here and the readers I'm imagining saw it..~ Neo thought, wiping the crumbs off the corner of her mouth.

"And you call 𝗺𝗲 a weeb.." Rias muttered, amused at Neo's inner pain.

"Hehehehe!" Tearwyn started laughing at her from atop her head.

"Ugh.. maybe if you tell me what you were gonna tell me before" Kurumu considered it internally, though she still wanted to make her own reverse harem to find her 'Destined One' like all Succubi must do.

"Riiiight. Well it wouldn't be a lie to say I look better than you but that's not what I used to win our little contest, was it? I just read a raunchy book and made myself look like a librarian. Sometimes it's not about what you show, that makes it sexy. It's about what you 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 show, sometimes. Imaginations are powerful things" Neo put her empty box away and finished saying.

"....." Kurumu was speechless, her mind registering everything Neo said.

"Eh? What were you talking about? I was a little distracted by the great food" Moka asked, seeing Rias shake her head at her.

"Oh nothing important, really. Just Neo being Neo is all" Rias replied with a slight curve of her lips.

"Love you too, Princess" She heard Neo reply, blushing as she looked away, only to see Neopolitan and Tearwyn's wide, teasing smiles.

"Please! Teach me your ways, Fellow Succubus! Your words just now.. They were filled with so much wisdom!" Kurumu hugged Neo and lifted her up.

"Huhu.. I see. What a good seedling I see before me" Neo twirled her imaginary beard with a devious smile.

"Very well. I will teach you my ways, Young Grasshopper! Of course, you must spend time with us at lunch and after school as friends too. I don't think you have any yet, right?" Neo asked, seeing Kurumu frown.

"Uh.. Well.. no. I was too busy trying to get my plan started" The Succubus replied, setting Neo down.

"Well, first off.. Don't mind control people with your charm. You wanna find a 'Destined One'? You gotta win hearts the old fashioned way" Neo sat on Rias' lap and crossed her legs.

"You mean like go on dates with different guys and stuff?" Kurumu asked, her hand raised.

"Pft- What? Sure, if they interest you. I mean just discover who you are. That's part of why people even go to school. Get good grades, social skills and finding out who you are. It's why so many adults look back on their past selves and cringe. You'll fuck up a lot in your pursuit of finding yourself but that's par for the course anyway. And by finding out who you are, you'll see what kind of partner you want, what preferences you have, all that" Neo said, feeling Rias's hands around her waist as she hugged her.

Kurumu and Moka both started thinking. Moka's Rosary shone briefly as Moka took in her words.

"How do I.. find out who I am?" Kurumu asked, seeing Moka interested in the answer as well.

"Socializing is a good start. I mean by highschool, you're pretty much fifty to sixty percent done it anyway. You have opinions and develop your minds and personality through talking with people, fighting, flirting, competing.. Anything you do, really. But since you look like you're just aching for some way to develop yourselves, let's join a club!

"A club?" Moka asked, digesting what Neo told them.

"She's right, actually. A big group of people doing events and activities together. It's a good way to make friends and do everything Neo mentioned" Rias added, sighing in content as she hugged the smaller girl.

"Yahoo! We can look after school then!" Kurumu suggested, her excitement showing.

"See? That's the spirit!" Tearwyn said, hugging the back of Neo's head as Rias lifted them off the floor and held onto Neo like she was an oversized plush.

"Meet up at Moka's class after the final bell. We'll all look together" Neo gave them a thumbs up as the bell rang.

"Hehe.. I'm excited" Moka smiled and walked down with everyone.

Meanwhile, a girl with long purple hair and ice blue eyes was staring at them from behind a corner. She lightly hummed as her tongue rolled over the lolipop in her mouth.

~Is that girl being carried around really the one..?~ She asked herself, her emotionless expression cracking into a slight frown.

-After School-

As promised, they all went looking for suitable clubs after classes ended. And even though they only started five minutes ago, things got weird.

"Hey do-do you girls wanna wear some cosplay photos for us in the photography club?" A rather obese nerd in heavy glasses asked.

"What? So you can store our pictures in your cum jars? Fat chance" Neo replied while shamelessly taking their lewd cosplay outfits.

"H-Hey that's ours!" One of the club members ran over, only to get tripped by Neopolitan as he landed face first into Saizo's crotch, who had just turned a corner.

"OOOUGH!!" Saizo clutched his manhood, face paling as the photography club member quickly scurried away.

"That was art, OG.." Neo complimented Neopolitan, sharing a high five while listening to Tearwyn's adorable sadistic laughter.

"I take it you're not just confiscating that because it's contraband..?" Rias asked with a wry smile.

"What? They'd never find anyone to wear it" Neo replied, eyeing the bunny girl suit she took from their collection.

"I definitely will though.." Rias heard Neo mutter, imagining Neo in the bunny girl suit and blushing with a slow nod.

"Good.." Rias muttered.

"Care to join our swim club!? We have plenty of girls already buuuuut.." The president of the club stared at Neo and licked her lips.

"Well, I can always make exceptions" She smiled and said.

"Oooh! That does sound fun! I'm a good swimmer!" Kurumu boasted, puffing up her chest.

"Um.. I.." Moka looked nervous when the word 'swimming' was uttered.

"Ah Moka doesn't look comfortable so let's just move on" Neo rejected it, though she already knew of her vampire weakness to pure water.

~Something which really sucks. Though if she puts herbs and stuff inside, she can swim. Imagine your weakness being showers~ Neo winced, considering she loved showers.

"Haha.. Thanks, Neo" Moka looked relieved as they kept walking, despite the President's annoyed glare at her.

"Aww.. Afraid to show some skin?" Kurumu teased, poking Moka's cheek.

"N..No, I just can't deal with water is all" Moka admitted with a pout.

As they continued rejecting the weird, perverted and predatory clubs, the hallway suddenly became eerily quiet. Students in a black uniform were walking through the halls as regular students made way. None of the students looked at them, in fear of getting their attention. Kurumu and Moka looked confused as they saw the leader of the group throw contemptuous looks at everyone in the vicinity. A man with long blond hair, strange circular eyebrows, pointed ears, piercing eyes and what Neo would call a 'resting bitch face'.

She instantly knew of his heritage as a Youko, a Nine Tailed Fox from the feeling he passively gave off. Though in truth, he just sucked at controlling his Youki. She shook her head shamefully as she watched him kick aside a female student for being in his way.

~I might just have to kill him on principle. Man.. what a fucking disappointment! Mother's shame on you!~ Neo cursed him in her thoughts.

Kuyo had no idea why, but a strange feeling of terror made him stop in his tracks. Though it didn't last long and he looked around, head sweating as the students all looked away besides the daring group of girls. He had the urge to teach them a lesson but as soon as he saw Neo staring at him in complete disgust, he threw that idea away, feeling a bit dejected for reasons still unknown to him.

"Good instincts. Maybe I can use the yuri beam on him or sacrifice him to Kit so he can evolve" Neo mused as they kept walking.

"You're treating him like a special pokemon item..?" Rias asked, a bit amused.

"If he doesn't get his head out of his ass, yeah. I'll feed him to my fox" Neo shrugged, hearing loud laughter in front of them.

"Oh man..! That's damn funny. Getting the feeling you're strong enough to make that threat happen too. I like you guys! Wanna join the Newspaper club?" A tall, handsome man with dark hair stepped up, flashing them a smile as he asked.

"Do I get to fabricate things for my amusement and publish them? 'The secret is out! Saizo Komiya loves to fuck his Dad! News further on page thirteen!'" Neo commented, hearing a wheeze from Tearwyn and Neopolitan behind her.

"That sounds fun! Only to known assholes and only if you can keep Kuyo off our asses. I saw the way he looked at you" He replied, grinning.

"Sounds good to me. You guys?" Neo asked, looking at Moka, Kurumu, Rias, Neopolitan and Tearwyn.

"I like the sound of that" Moka cheerfully agreed.

"Yahoohoo! First task completed!" Kurumu added with a little bounce.

"Ah.. what could go horribly.. horribly wrong?" Rias asked, her smile twitching.

Neopolitan just winked and gave her a thumbs up in agreement.

"Yay! Let's slander these Motherfuckers!" Tearwyn cheered, sharing a high five with Neo.

~I suddenly feel some kind of sexy omen...~ Neo thought, feeling some kind of punishment was coming her way.
