
Chapter 18 - The Knights Of Gladius [2]

I ignored Leon falling down, I had seen enough of him falling down to last me a life time. I watched as the Knights approached each other. They weren't wearing any armour, they both got into a stance. They both got into a similar stance, they were using the Gladius Style Unarmed martial arts. The Gladius Family was one that had honed their bodies to their absolute limits. They usually used swords but that didn't mean that their soldiers didn't use other weapons, Leon wasn't taught hand to hand combat because.

'A Gladius will never lose their weapon, as such hand to hand combat is useless.'

Although I didn't know how well suited his physique was to fighting, I knew it was wasted on being a sniper. In the Novel Leon would throw Spears at extremely high speeds, he'd use Wind Magic to halt any sounds, making him a sniper who's almost impossible to track. Well, unless you saw the direction the spear came from, which was rather difficult as even Leon struggled to see it from time to time.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, I hear someone fall to the ground with a loud thud. I look over to see one of the Knights had lost, I kind of wanted to join in. But, if I showed off I'd likely garner unwanted attention. As we were watching the next participants get ready, a maid brought me and Leon some drinks.

This made me realise something, I would have to make sure my servants realised their place. As of right now, they have no respect for me. Even 'incompetent' masters are still masters. They need to show some respect for me, if my own servants don't think of themselves as well... servants then I doubt that many nobles will actually respect me. And I don't want to be thought of as lesser to other people.

And honestly, now that understand that they don't think too highly of me. I'm somewhat...


As I watched the next Knights prepare to fight, I recalled an event that would cause some issues. We were going to go to war soon, maybe as soon as a few months from now. I couldn't remember the name of the country, but we were going to go to war with them. It is in this war that certain events unfold.

But my memory is a bit fuzzy, I do however, vaguely remember that someone died. I have no clue who, but I remember it having a rather huge impact on the story.

Anyways, if war breaks out... a situation may arise where I will have to use all of my strength to fight. And that is going to be difficult, I'm still not used to this body. And, I've noticed that there's a short time lag between when I want to move and when I actually move. And, although I've slowly been recovering my intelligence, I still don't have access to most of my martial arts. As of now, I can use a sword and my hands decently, but in my prime I was able to use every single traditional martial art, I was at the highest level of each of those martial arts.

And I can copy normal martial arts with relative ease. However, If it's some sort of unorthodox art it takes me a lot longer to copy the moves, I'm not a monster after all.

After watching the Knights have their bouts, the tournament reached its finally. But I didn't really pay attention to be honest. Then, I felt Leon tap my shoulder, I turned my head toward him.

"Valier, why don't we have a friendly match? I want to see how strong you are, I hope that's fine with you."

I smiled at him, I wad hoping he'd do this. This kid had strong instincts as a fighter, he was able to recognise me as someone stronger than him almost immediately. But, today, I was hoping to shatter that pedestal he had placed me on. I don't want to be strong, no, I don't want people to think I'm strong.

In my previous world, recognition simply brought death. When wars are fought, the most logical thing to do is to take down the enemies key figures so as to damage their morale and overall strength. I don't want to become a target of assassinations any time soon.

All I want is a nice and peaceful life, if I had to describe my ideal life. It'd be something like being a 'Villager 1' type character, someone who lives comfortably and doesn't have to worry about anything. But my position is anything but that, I've caught the eye of that thing, Angelica Godhart. A descendant of the Angels is probably one of the most threatening things for a Demon Blood who isn't resistant to Holy Magic. Of course, there's also the Empire's Darkness. They have many powerful mages at their disposal.

Oh I should mention something, our Empire's full name is 'The Tenebris Empire.'

(A/N: I can't lie, I've been calling the country The Empire because its taken me this long to think of a name for it. I've edited in the word Tenebris into Angelica's name here and there, I'll probably edit it into every time her full name is said at a later date but it's not the most important thing in the world. And from this point on. Her full name will be 'Angelica Tenebris Godhart.')

We are a powerful nation, we aren't the strongest but we're definitely not weak. But that should be obvious, we have fucking Dragon's and Angel's.

Shooing away my thoughts I looked at Leon, I nodded my head slowly at his words. He slowly walked towards the arena and I followed him, the arena was a plain one. But something stood out, there was blood splattered on the arena, there were some teeth and some more blood.

"Valier, why don't we put on a show? Let's use weapons in this fight, it'll be a lot more fun that way."
