
The Flight Of Black Ravens I

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Dragonstone, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

Three days have passed since we've retaken our home for Targaryen occupation. Dragonstone holds something I can't describe with words. Our dragons are happier, and it's the most at peace I've felt since leaving Asshai four years ago.

Dany is asleep in the bed with Margaery. The large belly of my second wife is taking up more room every day. I'm sure she will bear more than one child in five months.

I've had the desk I used in Meereen brought to Dragonstone with us. It's the same one I'm sitting at. It's colder here than in Essos, and I'll have to get used to it. The warmth and weather of Essos won't follow across The Narrow Sea.

The birdkeeper said that ravens would be ready today, and it'll mark the beginning of our fight for Westeros. To reclaim what was stolen from us. My hand runs through my long hair, and a sigh escapes my lips.

"I'm in need of a haircut..."

The longer my hair grows, the more irritated I become. My eyes drift toward the window, and I stand. Rhaenys is up on this early morning, and she's diving into the ocean repeatedly.

Coming up with mouthfuls of fish as she does. Even with her large body, she's easily able to hunt still, not through forests and canyons. It's easiest for her to eat fish. The impact of her body on the water stuns the aquatic creatures.

Making it an easy meal.


The sound I'm familiar with comes from the direction of the bed, and it's Margaery starting to get up. She holds the bottom end of her belly. We all sleep together in the nude. She sees me and lightly smiles. I stand up and make my way to her.

Helping her up and guiding her to the bathroom. The privy's door closes, and I hear a massive stream of water hitting cold stone.


A sigh of relief from the otherside of the door alongside the stream of water. I really do have it easy. Being the man in the dynamic we've got. Two Queens for one King. They're the ones who've got to carry the babes and birth them.

After a minute, she opens the door and grabs ahold of my arm. Leaning on it as we slowly walk back to the bed. As we arrive, I see that Dany is starting to get up. As my lingering eyes glide over her form, a smile from her catches me in the act.

Dany has the same young body that any woman is jealous of after already having three children.

"What's for breakfast?"

The words leave my sister's mouth as Margaery sits back on the bed. Leaning back and taking some pressure off her bladder.

"We can have anything. The cooks have got the kitchen ready, and they're already up. Rhaenys is feasting on the fish surrounding Dragonstone. I assume the other dragons are doing the same."

My two Queens hear they can have anything they want, and that's all they seem to hear as they both stand up and make their way to the large closet. Dressing themselves for the day and leaving the room together.

I head for the door myself now that I've got my gear on, and that's when I take a moment to think about something important.

Aly is getting big, and she's a little over three years old now. She might start thinking she's big enough to ride Vaelor. I want to have a talk with her about that. I have one every year with her to remind her. I'm just worried she'll climb atop the dragon against my wishes.

Targaryen children have been lost before from young children climbing on giant dragons. Jae and Caelex are growing in tandem. Sure Caelex will be much bigger than Jae, but when Jae is old enough to ride Caelex.

Caelex will be large enough to carry Jae without any problems. Jae will be large enough to ride his dragon. That's something Aly doesn't have at the moment. Vaelor is just too damn big.

Daenys and her dragon are still babes. There isn't anything to worry about there. Time to spend some time with my kids.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Dragonstone, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 17 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

"The ravens have been sent, and the whole of Westeros will know what's to happen in the coming weeks. The lords in the North and West will take the longest to find out, but your declaration is officially announced."

The birdkeeper gives the news before bowing his head and leaving. Rae sits on the Throne of Dragonstone, and he's talking with his confidants and officers. Daenys is my loving hands since her father is busy.

Jae and Aly are playing on the beach with an escort of Unsullied. Poor Margaery, she's bound to the couch we've brought into the Throne Room for her.

"The Velaryons have returned a raven, and Lord Monterys Velaryon is on his way. A young Lord since his father died in The Battle Of Blackwater Bay. He's got a half-brother, who is Lord of Ships for Joffrey."

Jorah informs Rae of the relevant information regarding the house that once was our greatest ally. Concerning that, a bastard from the family is Lord of Ships for Joffrey. What Monterys Velaryon is doing is treason.

He knows that. Which means he's declaring war against his half-brother. I respect he's willing to go so far. Who and what it's for is unknown to me. Is it against Joffrey Waters or for us? Time will tell.

"House Velaryon is integral since they're one of the last Valyrian Houses left. House Celtigar is too weak now. I'd ask them to come, but they're almost extinct at this point."

My brother and I were hoping to find more families of Valyrian descent alive. Celtigar is almost dead, and Velaryon is split in two. We're the only true Valyrians left anymore.

"I suggest we reach out to The Vale more exclusively. With their folly of a King, it'd be wise to conquer them first. Remove them from the board before Tywin can secure their forces."

Oberyn is right. The Vale is an integral ally to House Lannister, and the longer we wait. The larger Tywins army becomes.

My brother stays quiet at the notion of conquering The Vale first. It's a smart move. It'll cut off one of the major enemies we're facing from reinforcements. But that doesn't mean there aren't other valuable targets.

It's funny; Oberyn was supposed to leave yesterday. However, he's staying behind for a few more days. Getting as much input as he can in before he leaves for Dorne with the remaining Martell forces.

They'll be waiting in The South and await word from us to cross The Red Mountains. Taking The Stormlands from Lannister control. Rejoining us before we take Kings Landing. Before we do that, it'd probably be wise to eliminate the competition first.

"The Vale is a secondary priority. What we need to do is decimate Stannis and Robb. Remove them from the board entirely, and all that's left is House Lannister. Once we've isolated them on all sides, we take The Iron Throne."

My brother has decided on another plan of action. Stannis is more of a threat than Tywin is at the moment. Given his claim is stronger than Joffrey's, The Smallfolk will love him far more than us if he beats us to The Iron Throne.

It's a smart move.

~~~(POV: Oberyn Martell)~~~

~~~(Location: The Narrow Sea, Dragonstone, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 44 Years)~~~

~~~(Date: 301 AC)~~~

"What I'm really concerned about is a nightmare scenario."

Queen Margaery stands up and makes her way to the group of us talking. Raenon isn't against anyone chipping into strategy talks. Queen Daenerys also stands and makes her way over with Princess Daenys in her arms. Blue dragon perched on her shoulder.

Raenon rubs his temple and takes a breath.

"I know. What does everyone think the odds are that Stannis, Tywin, and Robb all combine forces in an effort to stop us from taking The Iron Throne back? They're men of strategy, too. They'll see this as their best chance of survival."

Seems that Raenon and his Queens have spoken about this outcome on occasion alone. Since they're already on the same page based on our Kings question.

"Honestly... I wouldn't discount it. The hate for House Targaryen is still fresh, and it's not like everyone who Aerys ruled isn't dead yet. The fact is most are actually still alive. They know Targaryen madness."

Ser Jorah speaks the truth in response to Raenon's question. The Smallfolk who Aerys ruled are still alive. They'd rather deal with Joffrey than a Targaryen King again. This means the nightmare scenario is, in fact, quite possible.

In fact, I think it's likely. Once the letters we've sent out reach their destinations, all the Lords and Ladies of Westeros will gather to weigh who they'll align with.

This is something we must prepare for.

"Then I agree with your plan to eliminate Robb and Stannis first. Once they are off the board, Tywin won't have potential allies in desperation to stop Targaryen rule from returning to Westeros."

Ser Jorah changes his mind about The Vale and shifts to Raenon's plan. And I do the same. Seems we have our first target. I'll still be heading for Dorne. Raenon and his dragon can handle The Northern armies.

Another Targaryen Conquest is underway, and the great Houses will resist as they did before. It's good we've got House Tyrell's allegiance, but that's all. And they don't even offer any troops.

Such a pitiful state the agreement has turned into. Lady Olenna has forgone many parts of the deal. I'll have to remind Raenon of that when the war is over.

But I doubt anything will happen since they're the family of one of his Queens.
