
Enter, The War Of 4 Kings

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Flying, The Riverlands, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

Our visit with the Tyrells proved interesting. I can't say for certain who they'll end up siding with when I press my claim for The Iron Throne. Having Dorne on my side is already a great bolster. I know that I can burn The Seven Kingdoms into submission.

Some would claim this is the fastest way to get The Iron Throne. But my ancestors had trouble using the power of dragons to subdue the people.

That's the greatest enemy I face in my efforts. The Smallfolk of Westeros see the Targaryens as a plague to their lives. My father saw to that. I have to undo the damage that's been done to my family. Burning it away will leave few people left.

The few that do live will be convinced that I'm like my father. Only worse. Mad and on the back of a dragon. The political games that walk alongside war are what I must learn. I know I'm intelligent. But I'm not arrogant to believe I know exactly how to do this.

In truth, I don't know how I'm going to win over The Smallfolk. The Faith of The Seven sees Dany and me as incestuous abominations. This is for certain.

The propaganda of the Lannisters and Baratheons has made that a reality. Even with The Doctrine of Exceptionalism, it's clear to me that Dany and I will be challenged. The Targaryens fell. The Rebellion proved we could be beaten.

There is no longer a need for The Faith to bend for our family.


A happy squeal comes from my arms, and I look down as we're flying through the clouds to see my daughter smiling at me. An innocent grin on her face, one that instills how much I must succeed.

Rhaenys is flying at the speed I want her to.

Amazing how in an instant, my mind was taken from my thoughts on how I'm to win The Iron Throne. All thanks to this little troublemaker.

"You're full of energy, aren't you? Must have slept well last night."

I bring her close and give her a kiss on the forehead. I feel her small hands grab at the hem of my clothes. Oberyn prepared us what we needed for the weather further North. Aly herself is bundled up.

"Aly, my little Princess... I swear nothing will ever happen to you. I'd sooner give my life than see you leave the world before me."

It's a harrowing thought... Even now... I wish I could protect her from everything. Even time.

~~~(POV: Robb Stark)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 18 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Camp, The Riverlands, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

"We've lost the North, Your Grace."

The news comes from my granduncle Brynden Tully. The Bolton's and The Greyjoys have taken the North from me, and The Lannisters will see this as my downfall.

I'm the King who lost the North.

My sister Sansa is still locked in The Red Keep.

"What about Tywin Lannisters forces at Harrenhal?"

I want to know how many troops my most dangerous enemy has nearby.

"25,000, Your Grace."

That's too many. We're trapped. The Riverlands is the only place left we have allies.

My heart feels hollow as I stare at the map of Westeros. I close my eyes, trying to think about my next move.


Before I can, a monstrous sound rips through the air of the camp. One that I've never heard in my life. Granduncle follows me out of the tent, and we see all the soldiers looking toward the sky. Some even pointing in the distance.

I focus my eyes, and they slowly widen, seeing the coming beasts.

I can't help the fear spreading through my body.

"Prepare for battle!!"

Granduncle yells an order to the men standing around, and everyone starts rushing to get weapons and shields.

The dragon is bigger than any ship I've seen. Its size is unrivaled by any weapon man can produce. Even behind the great beast is three more. All of them are bigger than our horse-drawn carriages.


Somehow, this screech is even louder than the last one I heard. My eyes shift to the Northmen and Rivermen here, fear clearly in their hearts.

It doesn't take long for the 4 dragons to get close. But they never fly over the camp. They never breathe fire. All they do is land in the distance. Everyone watches as a boy no older than 15 gets off the biggest of them.

The second biggest of the dragons walks up closer to the boy, and a girl gets off. Even from here, I can make out the white-golden hair of the pair. They turn toward us and start walking.

The 4 dragons walking behind them.

I know who they are. Raenon and Daenerys Targaryen.

"Your orders, Your Grace?

Granduncle speaks to break me out of my stupor.

"He wants to talk. He would've ended us already if that were his intention."

~~~(POV: Bryndan Tully)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 58 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Stark/Tully Camp, The Riverlands, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

I walk alongside my grandnephew toward the Targaryen pair and their dragons. Even I admit my heart is beating in my chest. There aren't many things left in the world that make me nervous. Seeing dragons does.

We're eventually 25 feet apart, and the biggest of the dragons steps forward. Covering Raenon and Daenerys behind its long neck.


It lets out a deep growl that shakes my body, and I instinctively put my hand on my sword.

"Gīda ilagon."

The foreign and exotic words come from behind the guard of the dragon. What I assume is the command, the dragon lifts its head, and Raenon is revealed along with Daenerys. I see the babe in his arms. Just from looking, I can see a Princess is who he carries.

"Forgive Rhaenys. She's overprotective. I'm speaking to Robb Stark, yes?"

The boy steps forward after handing the babe to his Targaryen sister. Incest has created such beautiful creatures. Both brother and sister are enough to win the realm on looks alone. If only the women of The Riverland looked half as good.

"Aye. I'm Robb Stark. King in the North. Why are you here, Targaryen."

Robb has come into his own when leading armies. However, talking to others of high status isn't his best quality. It's understandable. Every noble house, minor or otherwise, is trying to kill us.

"I was expecting only to find Ser Bryndan Tully. The Blackfish, if I remember correctly. The King of the North must've lost the North."

Raenon is unknown to many of us in Westeros. Only those that are the most informed would know more. My eyes look to Robb for a split second. He's calm and collected like his father would be.

"Why are you here, Targaryen."

Robb repeats the questions with more authority this time.

A smile appears on Raenon's Valyrian features.

~~~(POV: Daenerys Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Stark/Tully Camp, The Riverlands, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

The men standing across from Raenon are hard from constant battle and blood. It won't be easy to convince them. The Tyrells are still on my mind, but it's time I did not focus on them.

"Daenerys, skoros gaomagon ao mazverdagon hen lanta?"

Raenon leans his head in my direction as he asks me what I think of them. It's smart for us to speak using our mother tongue. Very few in Westeros would speak or understand it.

I walk forward with Aly in my arms, and Raevor follows behind, along with Vaelor. Rhaegal is next to his brothers.

"Qopsa, yn daor mijegon māzigon. Mērī rūsīr se paktot jiōragon jāhor pōnta paktot rūsīr īlva."

I give my opinion. I don't think they'll be convinced without the right offer.

Raenon grabs my shoulders and brings me to him. Holding me close. He turns his head and leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Gaomagon ao pendagon pōnta jaelagon keskydoso Lannisters hae se Martells?"

That's what I'm concerned about too. It could be an issue if they want the same Lannisters as the Martells. One that's not easily solved. On the one hand, it could unite them.

"We don't have all day."

Bryndan Tully is the one to speak up. Rae pulls his lips from my ear, and a faint desire rises in me. This isn't the time to miss it. I hold Aly closer as Rae looks at the two men. The troops are behind them a good 45 feet. Looking on and staring at the dragons.

"What would it take to bring you to my side, Robb Stark."

The King across from him doesn't give anything away in his expression.

"Nothing you have, I desire. Targaryens. My father fought to free The Seven Kingdoms from your father. I won't help you. No one that fought in the Rebellion would. Not on Robert's side."

The Northmen are said to be stubborn. The Blackfish seems to agree with Robb.

"Does that mean you'll stand against me when I press my claim for The Iron Throne?"

The dangerous edge in Rae's voice is honoring the dragons we are. The blood in our veins. The threat behind his words doesn't go unnoticed. Robb Stark hardens his stare, and Bryndan Tully only stares. His eyes squinting just enough to see the pupils.

"My concern isn't with you, Targaryen. Yours shouldn't be with me."

Our father really made it hard for us.

"Then good luck in your wars, King Robb. I have a feeling they're just beginning."

~~~(POV: Raenon Targaryen)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 14 Years)~~~

~~~(Location: Forest Camp, The Reach, Westeros)~~~

~~~(Date: 298 AC)~~~

The meeting with Robb Stark didn't pan out. Looks like we're done here in Westeros. We're resting for the night in The Reach in the cover of the forest. Dany and I are heading back to Essos once we've rested up.

Speaking of Dany, she's feeding Aly at the moment. The entire top half of her body is bare for the world to see. However, it's only us out here. The dragons circled around our tent. We're outside of it, and enjoy the fire from the firepit.

"Lo ao jaelagon naejot sylugon mirri, ry ao jorrāelagon naejot gaomagon iksos māzigon toliot."

She offers me to try some of the same milk Aly is feeding on. She does have one breast open. The tempting offer crawls into my mind. The same way I move closer to her.

"Bona's nykeā jiōragon nyke kostagon't rēbagon bē."

She smiles as I tell her I can't pass up an offer that good. I lower my head toward her free breast and get a taste as I gently suck.

It's sweet. Much sweeter than I thought.

"Mmm... You're much gentler than Aly..."

This is leading somewhere tonight. Hopefully, Aly doesn't fuss that much.

I need some of my Dragoness.
