
The Fallen One (End) We're Saved?

As the ice golem captured the left hand of the frost giant, the rock golem continued its charge, slamming its massive stone body into the right side of the giant, striking the previously injured area. The force of the impact was enough to cause the frost giant to lose its grip on its weapon, and its right hand was severed from its arm.

The frost giant let out a roar of pain and anger, lashing out with its remaining hand. The ice golem quickly moved to dodge the attack, using its magic to encase the giant's hand in a block of ice, immobilizing it. Meanwhile, the rock golem continued to press its advantage, raining down blows upon the giant with its massive stone fists.

The second frost giant, seeing the danger its comrade was in, charged forward to help. The ice golem was quick to react, using its magic to create a wall of ice to block the giant's path. The giant slammed into the wall with a loud crash, but was unable to break through.
