
Business (2)

After eating with Alicia in the cafeteria I returned to my apartment.

And thinking about my talk with George, I decided to make the bookstore into an appraisal store because it would be more profitable and easy to do with my skill. Due to that, I decided to call the remodeling business and soon a lady answered my call.

"Hello, this is Bening Remodeling Corporation, who may I be speaking to?"

"Yes, hello, this is Keith Devans, I was calling for something relating to my bookstore in district 1's market"

"Uh, Please give me a moment", She said.

After waiting for around 30 seconds, a man began to speak.

"Hello mister Devans, this is Frank, how may I help you?"

"Ah, yes, hello, if you don't mind I would like to change some things relating to my instructions for the bookstore"

"Oh, yes, we haven't yet started any construction as we were procuring the materials so we can still accept some changes in the plan"

"Thank you"

"Then please give me a moment to grab a piece of paper... ok, then please tell me what you wish to change"

"So the change I would like you to make is to move the library to the third floor instead of leaving it on the first floor, you don't have to change anything else and you can just leave the first floor empty, that would be all"

"Okay, then thank you for the call mister Devans"

"Yes, have a good night"


After the call, I sat down on my bed and thought about something. Even though I used my skill to appraise everything, I stopped using it on people for no reason, almost as if not caring about them.

Like I didn't even know the worker that had come that day was named Frank and not only that I didn't even know about George's surname, now that I thought about it. I feel like after the incident I started to care less about everyone around me, not even bothering to check their names.

I didn't even bother asking them either, almost as if they were unimportant to me because they were not part of the story in any significant way, and furthermore apart from George and Frank, I didn't even ask or check the name of the blacksmith I got the knives from.

It felt almost as if I wasn't thinking about them as humans. Even after that massacre that just happened, I didn't even bother, I just thought of them as some sort of NPC that was destined to die.

I came to a realization that even if this world was indeed that of a novel, it didn't mean that they were not human, I thought of the memories of Keith and he also had a story and a life.

I let out a sigh and dropped my back into the bed.

I had forgotten about the hat but surprisingly it felt like the most comfortable pillow in the world.

I stood up and even though I was about to fall asleep, I mustered the energy to stand up and go take a shower.

I dried myself up and took one of the shirts from my dimensional pocket and grabbed some shorts from my closet. Even though my hair was wet I still decided to put on the beret hat because it was quite comfortable.

Now that I thought about it, I should probably buy some pajamas.

But apart from that, I decided to take out Lich, who was once again angry at me for putting him inside of the dimensional space.

I spent around 10 minutes trying to calm him down and he finally stopped when I said something that I should have done when I first summoned him.

"How about I give you a name, what do you think?"

Lich then turned around and thanks to my new skill I was able to understand that he was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

I started listing names like Morthus, Black Lord, and more but it was to not aveil.

I was getting tired of listing names until I thought about mom.

'Now that I think about it, I have never introduced Lich to mom'

So I decided to call her and turned on the hologram option.

It was only a matter of seconds when mom answered.

"Hello, Keith how have you been?"

"I'm doing well mom, how about you?"

"I'm doing fine as well"

"That's great, OH, and I wanted to introduce you to my new little friend", I said while extending my palm below Lich.

"Uhm, honey, there is nothing there"

I forgot that others could not see Lich, now that I thought about it, there was never a reason to keep him inside the dimensional space, as not only does he not take any space but others can't even see him.

I then turned my head to Lich and asked.

"Can you turn off this invisibility or is it permanent?"

Lich then formed two little bumps in his bag which were actually little arms and began to almost like explain by moving around. For some reason I was able to understand everything he was telling, I don't know if it is because of my new skill or the contractor, but it could be both.

"So, what you are saying is that you will turn visible after getting your first summon but you can also do it before that, but after doing it, you will not be able to return to being invisible?"

To this Lich nodded his little bag head but even with that explanation, I still told him to turn visible and he did. Mom who was watching me talk to the air soon widened her eyes.

"So mom are you able to see him now?"

"Yes but this is quite the surprise, isn't it?"

"Hehe, oh, and as I was saying this here is my new little friend, that I summoned"

"He is indeed quite cute"

"So, mom, the reason why I called you is to ask if you could think of any names to give him"

Then suddenly I heard some *Thuds coming from mom's side and a cute little face appeared on the hologram and screamed "Baggy!".

Lich then flew in front of the hologram and started to nod his head, It seems that he liked that name, does he not have any pride as a Lich.

I then spoke with Emma and Mom for a while and ended the call.

I turned my head to Lich and asked.

"So you want to be called Baggy?", to which he nodded his head.

And from this day forward, Lich would now be called Baggy. I was too tired and just fell asleep.


I woke up early in the morning, did the typical routine of going to the cafeteria, and then headed out to meet George.

It was still 6 in the morning but he should probably be awake. I walked for around 30 minutes and finally reached the store. Surprisingly George was waiting outside of the store and when he noticed me, he started waving his hand.

"You are quite early", He said.

"Says the man who has been waiting here for me to come so early in the morning", I said while smiling.

"Then should we head out"

"Yes, let's go"

We started to walk in silence until the urge to say something.

"Now that I think about it, we never really introduced ourselves"

George pondered for a second and nodded at my statement while smiling.

"That's right"

"It's never too late, you know? My name is Keith Devans, I am a student of the Ember as you probably know.

"Haha, well I'm George Jaheer, owner of the store [Elegante]"

We continued to walk and I stopped in front of a bookstore that was in the middle of construction. George noticing this stopped next to me and asked.

"Anything special about this place?"

Putting on a smug face I said, "Since we are business partners from now on I will tell you, this here is going to be a new appraisal shop in the near future".

George looked at me in surprise which then turned into annoyance, and I decided to add fuel to the fire.

"Jealous of my spot"

Hearing this George stomped away and I followed behind him until we finally reached the branch from the Round Table.

I went inside and used my ability to spot Ray. I found him and told him to come upstairs for something important.

The three of us soon went upstairs and did all the procedures for the contract, of how I would get 45% of George's profits and that I would pay him 500 million within the next to months.

With that out of the way, I was about to head out together with George but Ray stopped him. I told George to just go back as this would probably take a while.


After George left, Ray put on an annoyed expression and said.

"You know that you could have easily done it by submitting the contract to the receptionist, right?"

"Yeah but I did it to annoy you", I said while smiling brightly.

Ray let out a sigh and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I will have your grimoire by Saturday so stop bothering me, okay?"

I let out a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, then I will be taking my leave, ah, and remember you only have 2 days so you better hurry up"

With that, I left the branch.

And the next two days passed in a breeze.
