
Chapter 023 Aki Story 3

Aki Locke

I just stood there staring at the tombstone. Until finally after a few minutes I put my foot through it. And I stomped on it, turning it all to dust.

I wasn't even feeling tired yet. My body feels like I slept for weeks on end but I can't say the same for my mind. I leave the cemetery and wonder towards the direction of my home.

After walking down street after street I finally made it back home. But I know that I can't go in and meet my family, after all they just buried me. I would hate to be mistaken as a zombie, that would be the worse.

I slowly walk behind the house and climb into my room on the second floor. I try my absolute best to be quiet.

I looked though my room for clothes and anything of sentimental value. After packing what I could in a small suitcase I sit down on my bed.

I sit in the darkness of my childhood room knowing that I can't come back, knowing that this is the last time I can ever enter this house. I got up and left though the window and left my home.

As I was walking down the street Gabriel spoke up. "Aki I'm sorry that you can't go back to you family… Also now a good time as any but it's time for your first mission." I nod my head and make sure that I listen. "I don't know how you feel about it but your first target is someone you know… Yukki Destiny."

I stop walking and stand still in the middle of the street. Unable to believe what Gabriel just told me. "Are you serious Gabriel? My first target is really Yukki?" I start walking again but without any luck. I just stumbled trying.

"Aki… Please calm down. I need you to have this closure before you can move on and truly become my apostle. This is a test like every other apostle before you had to do." Gabriel said.

I trip on my feet and fall on my elbows and knees. I turn to my back and look at my elbows to look at them and even now they aren't scratched. I put my arms down to my side and look up towards the sky and watch the stars.

"Gabriel how long do I have to complete this task?"

Gabriel stayed quiet for a while before answering. "You can have as much time as you want, this is something you have to do. I will always be here watching you. So I believe in you. Ok!"

I giggle at Gabriel. And suddenly I felt like the Archangel became embarrassed, then I calmed down. "Thank you Gabriel I know that I have to do this to move on, so thank you I'm glad for this chance."

I laid in the street staring at the stairs until Gabriel said it was time to go. I get up and I take out a hoodie from my small suitcase and put it on also throwing up the hood.

I walk though the streets letting the cold air blow by me thinking of my next course of action.

Then I walked by a curtain persons house.

Hmmm. I walk towards the house and knock on the door. I hear shuffling come closer to the door. "Who is it? It's the middle of the night you better be dying or I'm going to be really upset." A high pitch women voice sounds out.

A petit girl opens the door and looks up from her gaming console and freezes. "What? How? Aren't you suppose to be dead? Are you a ghost haunting me for not giving back the games I borrowed? Because that would be kind of messed up to haunt me for."

I roll my eyes. "Don't worry I'm alive and breathing I didn't come to haunt you. Even though I still might haunt you for not giving me those games back."

The petit girl scoffs and tell me to come in. I oblige and walk into her house. I'm so glad to see that the house it is still the same as ever.

"So what do I owe the pleasure? My ghost friend who looks exactly like the dead girl I saw buried 4 days ago?" She said.

"Come on now Raven you believe in the supernatural more than anyone in town. So I thought you would be the only one who would believe that it's me walking up to your door step." I confided.

Raven sat down at the kitchen table and asked me to follow her. She put down her game console and began thinking to herself. Going into her own little world.

"Ok, Aki I believe you but I'm going to need you to tell me everything that happened so I can make some notes." She said.

I let her pick up a few things to write down her notes on. Then I slowly explained what happened at the party and everything after that. It did just happen yesterday to me. So it wasn't that hard to remember honestly, it was just painful to live it over again.

Afterwards I finished explaining everything that happened up up to that moment, Raven put down her notebook at walked towards me. She pull me head down and pulled me into a hug. And I felt teardrops on my shoulder.

"I can't believe that happened to you Aki. If only I was there at the party that night. Or maybe even if I could figure out what Yukki was like. Then I could have helped you… I'm sorry." Raven started to sob on my shoulder as I patted her long brown hair.

"Don't worry about that Raven, I just need your help now because I don't have anything to my name and I need a place to live. So I'm asking if you could help me?" I asked.

She pushed herself off me and smiled like a hero in a story. "Never fear because I am here! To help of course. I don't mind helping you Aki because my parents are over seas for the rest of the year so I have plenty of room." She smiled towards me again.

I started to tear up at Raven and the amount of kindness she shown me. Feeling like I don't have to worry about any of those things anymore I suddenly get extremely sleepy.

I get up and walk towards the living room. And lay down on the couch, and unable to keep my eyes open I slowly close them.

Then all I heard was. "Aki sleep tight, I promise I will help you!"
