
Chapter 40, end of V. 2


Flipping the board in happiness, I start laughing loudly at finally beating Dil at chess.

Dil-"It seems you finally managed to win, and here I thought you would give up halfway through."

Sage-"Hmph, who do you think I am? I'm a Saiyan and we Saiayns will always overcome challenges!"

Standing up from the seat I start walking away, never wanting to play that game again. Seeing me walk away from them, one of them called out to me.

Gran-"Where are you going Sage?"

Sage-"I'm leaving, I never want to play that terrible game again. We Saiyans are meant for fighting, not our intellect."

And with that, I continue walking away excited that it's been a week so I can finally train again.



Gran POV.

Looking at Sage walk away, I look at Dil and ask the question that's on all of our minds.

Gran-"Dil, why did you let Sage win?"

Bringing the topic up everyone else looks at Dil ready to hear his answer.

Dil-"Haa, you guys saw how slow he was improving at the game. If I played normally then I would've died before he could beat me."

Nodding at Dils answers which is true. Sage was terrible at chess and watching him play and make such obvious mistakes made me feel dumber the more I watched.

Brock-"Yeah, even though he never gave up which I admire. I have never seen anyone play chess as bad as him."

Gran-"Do you think he will come back?"

Dil-"No idea."



Walking inside my room, I go and visit Nala to tell her the news. Knocking on the door, I wait a little bit before I hear Nala call me in. Inside I see Nala working on her necklace, ignoring that I tell Nala the good news.

Nala-"Where have you been Sage? Haven't seen you in a while."

Sage-"And who's fault is that? Anyways I have managed to win a game of chess!"

Nala-"HAHAHAHA, I didn't know you could tell jokes."

Annoyed that she doesn't believe me, I say it again but this time I make sure she understands that I'm not lying.

Sage-"Hmph, I'm not lying I managed to beat an old man named Dil at chess. If you don't believe me I'll take you to him."

Nala hearing how serious I sound stops laughing and looks at me suspiciously before she believes me.

Nala-"Ok, ok I believe you. so is that all you have been doing this week?"

Sage-"Yes, and now that it's finally been a week I will continue training."

Leaving Nala to do whatever she was doing before, I make my way to HTC, hoping to train with Merus again.



Sitting in the captain's seat of our spaceship, Nala comes up from behind me and asks me a question.

Nala-"Dear, are you sure this is the planet that houses the one who defeated Frieza? There is nothing remarkable about this planet, and even I could defeat the inhabitants of this planet."

Turning around, my eyes land on a gorgeous adult woman with long pink hair. She is Nala of course, it's been a little over 18 years since we first arrived at the Galactic patrolmen HQ and over the years we have changed a lot.

Take Nala for example, she has grown to stand at about 6ft, she looks just like her mother and even though she's 35, she looks like she's 20. But the most impressive thing about her is not her looks, but her runes. Nala is no fighter, but if she is given enough time to set up runes, then I bet she could even defeat me with them.

Now onto me, I have grown a lot since I was 14. I used to be 5"4' but now I'm 6"8' and weigh about 1,000 kg, yeah the moment I turned 19 I was constantly growing and stopped when I turned 20. It was insane that I grew that much in only a year, but that's probably normal for Saiyans. Currently, my body is packed with muscles and I look quite intimidating If I do say so myself.

And before you ask, yes me and Nala have gotten into a romantic relationship. It happened a few years ago when I caught Nala masturbating with my clothes, of course I got caught by her, I wasn't really trying to be sneaky. So instead of making things awkward between us, I decided just to go for it. And well we stayed in her room for an entire week. Apparently, the greater a Naga's magic pool is, the stronger their libido will be.

Anyways it's been a few years since then and although we never confirmed our relationship, I can't see myself ever being with another woman. Back to what Nala asked before.

Sage-"Yeah, I'm certain this is the place where he resides. Also, there is a woman there who will be able to help with your project."

Smiling, I turn back to look at the solar system that Earth is in. Pressing a button that flies the spaceship toward Earth which will only take a few hours. Getting up from my seat, I go to my room to get dressed before telling Nala to get ready.

Sage-"Nala get ready, we are going to have to appear in style."

Making sure to hide most of my power so the Z fighters don't get too freaked out, otherwise it won't be any fun.

I never mentioned my current power to you guys, and that's because it's insanely high. It's honestly ridiculous how powerful I am, and it's thanks to my hard work and Nala's runes. Sadly while me and Nala explored the universe even with the magical compass, I barely found anyone who could give me a challenge. And I'm talking about the younger me, let alone the current me.

Putting on my clothes, I look in the mirror. I'm still not wearing any shirt, I have baggy pants on with my tail swaying behind me. I'm also wearing black bracers, and each one seals away 45% of my power. I have some shoes on but nothing fancy, and last but not least I'm wearing an earring in my ear. While earrings aren't really my thing, Nala created them for me when I turned 30 and I couldn't just refuse them, so here I am. They are pure silver and the designs are different, the one I wear is a coiled-up snake, and the one Nala wears is a monkey. Smiling at myself in the mirror, I wonder how entertaining the Z fighters will be.

Sage-'I will enjoy this!'



Sage's new power level-[500T]

This is the end of Volume 2, and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Do tell me how you thought Volume 2 was. Also, I made some changes in the auxiliary chapter so I suggest you go and look at it.

I shall take a few days off from posting Chapter's, mainly because I want a break, but don't worry it won't be long.

yolo thxs for the egg's

Thxs for any feedback :)

Volume 2: "Odyssey of a True Saiyan"

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts