
chapter 13

Waking up, I leave my room. Walking down the tunnel I reach the entrance of the cave to find both mother and father standing at the entrance of the cave.

Sage-"What are you guys doing?"

Onon-"Seeing as you're going to the 'danger zone' we're here to wish you good luck on your adventure son."

Zucci-"Yep, be careful I don't need you dying so young."

Hearing their reply I smile.

Sage- "Don't you know how strong I am? I will not be killed so easily. So there is no reason to worry, I will just explore and be back soon."

Saying that I started flying in the direction of the danger zone.


Seeing my son fly away I turned to My husband and asked him.

Zucci-"Are we going to inform him about the planet's instability or not?"

Onon-"No. Sage is far more emotional than any Saiyan I have seen. And what difference will it make if he knows, he won't be able to do anything to stop it."

Hearing Onon's response, I have to agree with him. But I don't want to die I still want to fight! I want to see my son climb his way to the strongest in the universe and show everyone the true power of a Saiyan.


After about 15 minutes of flying, I came across some ruins that I must've missed before. Intrigued, I went to go and inspect the ruins, making sure to scan the area with my ki. After finding nothing, I started walking towards the ruins. Heading inside I look around and find that the ruins look like it was destroyed by a fight, not by natural causes. Coming to what I think was the library section, I start looking around trying to find maybe a history book, but most of the books are either destroyed or unrecognizable. 10 minutes of searching later I finally come across a book or a diary that is readable


Diary-Year, 355, month 9..' It has been several years since the space war started against the Ice legion, that's what the enemies call themselves. Their numbers are higher than ours but their technology can not compare to our magic, so we have managed to hold on. I just wonder how long this war will continue for.'

Diary-Year, 357, month 4..' they have stopped attacking us for a few months, seeing their unusual movements we decided to attack and try to capture an enemy to tell us what they have planned.'

Diary-Year, 357, month 5..' The attack was successful and we captured a middle-ranking offIcer of the legion. After torturing it for a few weeks we finally found out that King Ice has decided to come personally with his entourage. After getting this information we decided to go on the complete defensive and try to survive.

Diary-Year, 357, month 7..' King Ice and his people have finally arrived, today will be the deciding battle. Will we win? I hope.'

DIary-Year, 357, month 7..' We stood no chance against that monster. Every defense we prepared was like paper before him, killing all of us while smiling. We couldn't even slow him down. Queen Naga concluded that we will lose, but she wanted to take that man with us as well. The Queen gathered all the remaining people left and used a forbidden sealing magic. After casting it on the man we successfully sealed him away but at the cost of everyone's life. I was the last alive, But I plan to die protecting my home planet.'


After reading the Diary I was surprised about the history of this place and wondered whether that 'king Ice' was still sealed here somewhere. Putting the dairy away. I continued looking around the ruins, and 5 minutes later I came across the throne room. Walking in I was surprised that the throne room was in ok condition, looking around I saw paintings of women and men sitting on the throne wearing crowns, holding swords or wands. But the most striking thing about the picture was that while their upper body was mostly human, their lower body was that of a snake.

Coming up to the throne I grab the staff that was sitting on the chair, and the moment I grab it, I noticed I'm in an open plain. Looking around I see the backside of a woman, when she turns around I recognize her as the woman on the painting that hangs behind the throne. Seeing her look at me I walk over to her, Though the moment my instincts start feeling danger I'm gonna kill her.

Now standing In front of her I notice she is quite beautiful, especially her reptilian eyes that are mesmerizing. She has long pink hair that goes down to her back, pointy ears and the scales on her bottom half are also pink.

Sage-"So woman you mind telling me why I am suddenly here?"

Asking her that I just fold my arms, trying to look menacingly. Though that didn't seem to work as she just smiled at me.

Queen Naga-"To think that such a powerful child would be the one to find my staff."

Sage-"Tch. So you still can sense my power even when I suppress it."

Hearing my reply she just smiles and giggles.

Queen Naga-"Hehehe. Even though you say that you don't look that surprised."

Sage-"Well before I found the staff, I came across a diary telling about how your species can use magic. But you still lost to that Ice fool."

Hearing the name king Ice, her demeanor changes a little and her facial expression starts showing anger, hate, and sadness.

Queen Naga-"So you found out about our misfortune. So then do you want to know anything then?"

Smiling how I am finally getting somewhere in this conversation I ask her about king Ice.

Sage-"How strong was that king Ice compared to me."

Queen Naga must've been stunned that I asked about the strength of king Ice because she just looked at me for a while before answering.

Queen Naga-"He is far more powerful than you are. Why do you want to know?"

Hearing that he is more powerful than me I smile and then I walk away from her. She must've been confused because she panicked a little.

Queen Naga-"W-wait child where are you going."

Sage-"Just stay right there for a second."

After saying that I turn around, and after making sure the distance is big enough I start powering up. When I am fully powered up, I then use Ikari.

Queen Naga was wide-eyed, surprised when I looked at her, Smiling I asked her the same question again.

Sage-"Now how would I compare to King Ice?"

Queen Naga hearing my question for a second time is flustered before she answers.

Queen Naga-"S-Such power! but still not comparable to King Ice."

When I hear her answer I power back down and start laughing.

Sage-'Finally someone stronger than me, hahaha. I must fight this king Ice.'

Walking back in front of the Queen I ask her more about king Ice.

Sage-"Where is king Ice at? I read in the diary that you sealed him somewhere, so where's he at?"

Queen Naga-"Why would I tell you? It took a lot of sacrifIces to seal him away, and I don't know whether you are good or evil."

Hearing her response I get annoyed by the concept of good and evil. We Saiyans don't believe in that bullshit, we believe in strength. Strength is a universal language that every species knows and we Saiyans are prime believers in that.

Sage-"I don't care about whether you think I am good or evil, I just want to fight this king Ice and kill him."

Queen Naga-"I refuse to tell you about his location, you are not strong enough to beat him."

Hearing her refusal for a second time I get angry and start powering up again. Since asking nIcely didn't work, how about using force.

Sage-"Since you won't tell me how to find king Ice after I asked Nicely, how about I just force you to tell me then."

Holding my hand right in front of her I prepare to launch a ki blast straight toward her. Queen Naga seeing this just smiles and laughs.

Queen Naga-"hahaha. You can't force me."

Confused and annoyed at her response, I just ask her what she is talking about.

Sage-"Why can't I?"

Queen Naga-"Because I am already dead. This right here is just my soul that is sealed into my staff to always watch over the seal that imprisons King Ice."

Hearing her response I just look at her for a second and then power back down, feeling extremely annoyed at her. Looking at her she seems surprised that I actually believed her that easily.

Queen Naga-"To think you actually believed me."

Sage-"Hmph. Did you think I was a fool?"

Seeing her look at me like she thought I was stupid I get angry and questioned her.

Sage-"So tell me what I have to do to fight king Ice!?"

Queen-"Didn't I just tell-"

Sage-"Don't try to fool me, this place is meant to house your soul and if you didn't want to interact with me you would have just sent me out of here. Seeing as I am still here it doesn't take a genius to realize there is still room for negotiation."

Queen Naga just looks at me like she was caught red-handed stealing from the cookie jar.

Queen-"Hehe. It seems you are a smart child, seeing as you caught on I will let you fight king Ice on one condition."

Curious about what the condition is.

Sage-"So what is it?"

Queen Naga-"I want you to take care of my daughter."

Hearing her condition I immediately replied to her.


yolo thxs fo you turkey legs.

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts