
Blind Trust



"Good day, Mr Liu, Lawyer Tang and Miss Kai."

"Lawyer Chang. Welcome, please come in," Andromeda ushered.

"Thanks." Taking closer steps in, he came to a stop in front of Andromeda and Tang Yan while his full attention went straight to the big boss.

"My name is, Chang Yuxuan. Nice to meet you."

"Good afternoon, Lawyer Chang Yuxuan. Pleasure meeting you."

Introducing himself, Liu Xueyi extended his hand for a handshake and when Lawyer Chang took his hand, his lips pulled to the side, revealing a good smirk. 

"Please, shall we all move to the other side of the office? That way, we can be more relaxed and go over everything that needs to be done."

"Sure," they chorused and stood up after Liu Xueyi. 

"I am sure, this is the first and final meeting before the trial, right?"
