
Chapter 177 | Lost the touch~?

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York—Lost the touch of cinematography?!

Movie director Ian Renner's latest movie, Home Alone 2 got released to the theatres a while ago. As everyone saw, I was the person who talked about how I did quite think that the movie was good, but not great.

The movie Avatar, which was a production affiliated with Goofy raised the standards of quality, the enjoyable movie when compared to Ian Renner's sole productions and director skills. After Avatar's initial release, it showed two things that had been confirmed by almost every person who got the chance to watch the movie.

One, Ian Renner's movie concepts are pretty interesting. And number two is the undeniable truth of how the Goofy VFX team made the movie so much better than how it would have been if it was fully produced by the Renner Studio.

This also brings me to the next topic, Home Alone 2, which was supposed to be a sequel to the first movie, in my opinion, has little to no difference. I saw the concept of the movie, just as how it was in the first movie, and ever since it was similar and it could have been way better in terms of cinematography.


In the article that J. Ufazz was mentioning that the night of the movie premiere was finally out, right the next day.

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York was out right after the movie premiere. The movie trailer, which had been capable of attracting millions of eyes, resulted in the people pre-booking the tickets even before they were out in the local theatres.

Although there were people who adored the movie, the internet and the media told a whole different story. There was an entire group of people among the crowd who had said the exact things and agreed with the criticism of Ufazz.

At 7.15 pm - Online


_Home Alone 2: Lost in New York_


Home Alone 2 was funny ASF! No comments but appreciation only to the director! Thanks, Ian! Although mud and dirt are everywhere… We appreciate you for what you give out to the industry!!! 10/10


Excuse me? The movie director… I don't know but I loved the first movie a lot. Just... No, what sort of a thing are you presenting to us director? Any progress in your skills pardon? Ugh! 3/10


Why don't we start by thinking about how good Avatar was and how much of that beauty Home Alone lacks? I watched it with my girlfriend and now I feel like I could've easily taken her to dinner instead of… Home Alone 2. Sorry, but disappointed. 3/10


This movie should have been titled Home Alone 2: Free Roaming on the wrong flight. The #1 problem I have with this stupid movie, is that Kevin is not home alone, he is just lost in New York City. This movie makes zero sense. The setup is understandable in the first movie, "A storm comes in and a tree falls over and knocks out all the power." The first was better than this one. 4/10


Well, I want my money back right now... I spent 9 bucks on this movie and it is the dumbest Christmas movie of all time! the bad guys' Harry and Marv would have been so dead from the bricks especially, marv being electrocuted by the giant metal pole that landed right on top of them and the list just goes on, The last thing that I will say is that it is and a lot of people don't notice this but they used a lot of the same lines only used differently and more in the movie. 2/10


The day after which he had a long conversation with Mason, he had made up his mind about everything that he should be doing in the next month or simply terms, his vacation.

The first thing that he wanted to do in the morning was to meet Raelynn for what he had in mind.

"I hadn't expected to see you here," she said and stood up in politeness to respect the director.

Ian just gestured to her to take a seat and sat down in front of her.

"Normally, I wouldn't have shown up this early either," Ian started.

"I'd like you to work as the director of the next movie, Ferris Bueller's day off," Ian said and Raelynn's eyes raised in surprise.

"What?" she asked again, just to confirm what she just heard.

"Ferris Bueller's day off, the movie script I have been working on, my next movie… You're the one who'd be directing it. I trust your skills, especially after seeing your work on those few scenes of Marriage Story. I will explain the whole concept of the movie. And then, you can decide if you're stepping up to the opportunity or not, okay?" Ian asked and Raelynn nodded to his words.

The rest of the morning went by with Ian explaining to Raelynn how and what the movie is about. And how he had been planning to present it to the audience, which also included his planned strategies with the movie.

At the end of the explanation he added, "...If I think about it, you're an excellent cinematographer which would also make things much better with the movie. After All, I saw the comments for the latest movie, and they weren't that great. But a change could lift back the image of the Renner Studios."

Ian said with a hint of guilt and sadness in his voice, but on the outside, he was offering Raelynn a chance and allowing himself to get away from the movie-making for a while.

"I guess I'd do it," she said right away without looking at Ian. Within seconds, her eyes met his and she repeated herself, "Yeah, I might as well take the opportunity. Lost opportunity is a missed opportunity anyway. Oh, and about the comments… I guess we both know what it is about," she said with anger lacing in her action as she shrugged.

Ian knew what exactly she meant and he too felt it while he was reading the comments.

"Yeah," the single word held a lot of meanings and he walked away from the office on the notice of letting her talk to him at any time she wanted.


The next visit was back again at Mason.

"I can't believe that I'm saying this uncle, but I guess it's time to get my name off of things. It is becoming too much, and you could say that-" Ian paused, noticing the frown that was on Mason's face. "Well, I know your question. Where is this even coming from? To be honest, I jumped into everything half-cocked. And now I believe that I'm being truthful to myself if I say that I was not ready for the pressure and everything that the media throws at me."

In all honesty, Ian in his previous life was a low-level actor and a small-time director, who enjoyed researching and doing things at his own pace. Right because of the transition, he saw the opportunity, a chance to make it big in Hollywood. He had the resources, and the promise of a glamorous life, with a lot of celebrities around him, blinded him to the reality of the industry, the constant demand to maintain one's image, and the public expectations, it overwhelmed him and blindsided him rather quickly.

At first, it was going great considering how much of an impact he had on things and how he had no competition. He saw the success of his movies back to back, which only made him move forward with his movie-making without taking a single step back.

But it also paved the path to many problems such as his issues, frustrations, stress and the pressure that he was barged into. After two years of back-to-back strength that he had been pulling back and forth with himself, the street-racing incident was the only one that made him blow up steam.

"I thought you were aware of this, Ian. The media, and the public, they're like a pack of wild dogs. They're ready to pounce on any morsel of drama around your life. They blow things out of proportion, to such extremes that they end up muddying the lines of truth, and false drama." Mason said and leaned forward in his chair.

"So did I, uncle. But if we think about it, there's a limit to everything. I, myself, am human after all. I do have so many things to offer to the industry, but everything made me think about the time that I hadn't had myself to improve, personally and career-wise. Uh, although it would be a hard journey to find myself, I don't think it's impossible, I think, I really need a vacation. To find myself again." he said and shrugged.

There was no hint of a smile on his face which explained that he was serious but anything.

Mason took a few seconds to process it, and it was visible by how Mason's eyes wandered over the desk from left to right.

Finally, he relents. "If you think it's a vacation that you need, I won't stop you. And by the time you return, I'll have used the power of attorney over your finances and brought up the necessary media houses completely. So, that… Well, you know what it is about,"

"Thanks, uncle."

For celebrities and famous personalities to have media houses where they had friendly relationships were not an uncommon factor. No one in the industry is forever a saint. There are no saints in Sin city. Ian was no different. And the public image is so very important, especially in the age of cancelled culture, that it can make or break entire careers in an instant.

For example, in Ian's previous world, Disney was one of the big six Media houses in the USA, and they later went on to acquire Fox, Paramount, and had sufficient control over Sony as well. They effectively controlled the tone of the media in the entire country. They were a monopolistic oligopoly in the news and media industry.

When you talk about the higher ranked celebrities, Cardi B, who undoubtedly was very talented and had fantastic songs in her repertoire, but she too needed connections with the media, and the help of her own almost cult-like following to hide a lot of the shady mistakes she made in her career. For example, she publicly admitted to hiring men to assault another woman in a club, yet even after she pleaded guilty in court for assault, she received not more than 2 weeks of community service as punishment. All because of a cult following, and connections in politics via Hollywood.

Ian faced exactly that. On one side, he had Goofy, that hounded him to contract with their company, while secretly manipulating the systems to make things more difficult for him, on the other hand, him being an author and film director, who was fairly new to the industry, lacked the cult following, or the connections into politics to protect himself from behemoths like Goofy. He bit off more than he could chew, far too quickly"

"Have you booked the tickets if you're ready to go?" Mason asked with a slight smile.

"Yeah, I've. Niko is already planning a quick farewell party although I did mention that I'm not going forever," Ian said and chuckled which made the old man laugh along as well.


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