
Chapter 6: Sweat Drop! R18+

A/N: this first paragraph got added to the last chapter. It's here for those who missed it~

Drum Island

"Good thing we got transmigrated after that or I would have to be worried about morning after pills and plan B's" sighed Calvin.

"Time to really get to work I have the Baku Baku no mi and Chopper is nearly in my hands, I can start working on a lot of my ideas" said Calvin with a determined gleam in his eye.

"My Lord we have found the witch Dr. Kureha and her talking tanuki" reported Decimo aka Soldier number one. "That's good news Soldier number one, I almost got tired of waiting!" responded Calvin excitedly.

"It's only been 30 minutes my Lord! Also my name is Decimo my Lord" said Decimo.

"Right you are soldier number one, that is your name indeed!" said Calvin paying him no mind.

"I have a name you know" said Decimo crying on the inside. "Soldiers! H00XRs! Move out!" Calvin ordered.



Several Minutes Later: House of Dr. Kureha

Dr. kureha is outside her house built inside the tree. She and chopper are leaving to see a patient, when she hears footsteps and not just one or two persons either!

Soon soldiers appear through the snowfall, surrounding her, chopper and the house. She is surrounded by Drum kingdom soldiers and Chopper is in his small form (brain point) standing beside the tree. He is mistakenly hiding in plain sight, like the silly reindeer he is.

The soldiers make way and a short brown skinned boy walks through and stands before her. "Greetings Dr. Kureha, I am Go D. Calvin the new king of this Land, as the foremost authority I need your help to help this country become what it once was a paradise of medical knowledge!"

She sized him up, "and who says I would want to work for the likes of you? Barging unto my property with all these soldiers as a show of force yet pretending to be a benevolent ruler" she scoffed.

"Well I only wanted to have the beautiful Dr. Onee-san to come to the palace with me and keep me company" said Calvin. "Hoho you sure know how to sweet talk a young girl like me! But I am not as young and gullible as I look" gushed kureha.

Her old face wrinkled with age was grinning with pleasure, as she preened like a giddy young girl. Her body was that of a young girl's, not loosing out to Nami at all what a contradiction!!

The soldiers unable to see past her face all fell down in shock!! 'What beautiful young girl was the lord talking about?' Why was this old hag acting cute and shy for!?'. "Ah the lord is into grannies" said Decimo thoughtfully. "Who is an old hag!?" screamed kureha picking up the sleight and chucking it into the face of the soldier .

"He is a bit lacking in his vision", said Calvin awkwardly. "I just keep him around because he is so stupid I wont have to fear betrayal from him" said Calvin trying to placate her. "I said granny not hag though..." grumbles Decimo from under the sleigh. "Who is a granny ?I am only136!" declared kureha proudly as she stomped the sled on him.

'That is a granny's age' thought all the soldiers as they sweat dropped. "Kureha onee-san I want you, no I need you!" shouted Calvin. ' Indeed you to join my side as the most excellent doctor that that is so knowledgeable about one piece medicine and sicknesses that she could even teach a reindeer to be a doctor. She is a stubborn old goat though so I need to coax her over with sweet words' thought Calvin.

The soldiers all fell down in shock! 'The new king had some super heavy taste in women!' they thought bewildered. Even Dr. Kureha was shocked into silence. "There are so many things I want to do with you! 'I need you to experiment on, you're the oldest natural human! but I cant say that part out loud' though Calvin.

The soldiers that just got back on their feet fell over again! "What is going on out there?" wondered Decimo from underneath the sled. "Oh a little pipsqueak like you thinks he can handle the Great Dr. Kureha? I wasn't born yesterday" says kureha amused as she folds her arms underneath her breasts.

'Hmmmm seems like she is interested, but it looks like I came off as flirting with her..... well she is the greatest doctor around, she does have the body of an eighteen year old, tits and all....but her face is so wrinkly =_=.....'

'Should I beat her up and inject her with the nanobots and read her mind and be done with it? I am not 110% sure I wont damage her precious brain as of yet. Better I get her cooperation that I punch her in the face, I cant afford to punch her head off ....'

'Sigh I will just have to take one for the team, it's for science! Yes science! This is for the greater good of humanity!!!!!' This took a moment to describe but this mental gymnastics took place in Calvin's mind in the Blink of an eye.

'Guess I can always put a bag over her head' thought Calvin resolutely. Wait I am a robot arent I?...modifications to vision aha! code assembled for program face filter for specific individual Dr. Kureha.....reprogramming vision, program name youth filter. Execute youth_filter.exe,... program executed successfully.

Looking at Dr. Kureha with the filter he was pleasantly surprised with the beauty that he saw. With new confidence Calvin again went on the attack. "I am serious!" shouted Calvin looking like a young boy confessing to his crush, or a shota about to be gobbled up by a gilf . A/N: looooool

' Haha think you can trick me boy, I'll show you not to mess with a beautiful long lived youthful girl like me' thought Dr. Kureha. ' Walking over to Calvin swaying her hips, Dr. Kureha stopped in front of Calvin and leaned forward so that her face was inches before his.

With the filter a beautiful young Kureha was in Calvin's vision. "Oh so you don't think I am an old witch like everyone else in the kingdom? You are somehow different from everyone else huh" kureha said disdainfully. Staring her in the eyes with a determined look Calvin says "I want you to be my queen and rule together with me." 'Oh Still think you can trick me huh, I will reveal your schemes you hairless brat! You might be able to pretend right now but your body won't be able to hide your true physical reactions' thought Dr. Kureha. She opened her arms wide going in for a hug, waiting for him to flinch.

Noticing her actions Calvin had a brain blast. 'I just thought of a great way to get what I want without violence' thought Calvin. 'Initiate program BigD, modify insemination protocol, replace insemination fluid with nanobot fluid. ' Calvin relayed to his internal CPU. ...Process complete..... Calvin smiled in response.

Opening his arms wide he leaned into the hug. Dr. Kureha's supple breasts smothered his face because he was so short. One second two seconds Dr. Kureha waited for him to flinch or pull back in disgust, but nothing that she expected happened. She didn't know that he was a robot and flinching was basically impossible unless he wanted to. Instead he started to gently rub his face in her breasts.

Utterly lost, full of disbelief the soldiers all fell to the ground with their mouths frothing. Half of them were out cold, the other half and chopper had their mouths hanging down to the floor. You could fit an entire snow person in their mouths to how they were wide open.

None of what kureha expected to happen happened at all. What did happen was slowly something big and hard started to press against her leg that she had in between his legs. 'What is this! This is the biggest thing I have ever felt in my 136 years alive!' though Kureha in shock. Slowly her nipples started to get erect and it was not from the cold.

A tingling sensation started to pool at the bottom of her stomach, firmly she controlled her breathing before it got out of hand. 'It's just a façade, probably a cucumber in his pants or something I will reveal the truth no one fools Dr. Kureha' she thought convincing herself.

Letting go of Calvin Kureha stepped back with a little cough. "Ahem I can see you are sincere in your words, we should discuss this inside, without all these people to distract our negotiations" said kureha looking serious. "Lead the way, soldiers remain here and await further orders said Calvin.

"Yes lord" they replied weakly. "Doctorine what is going on!? You're going into the house alone with this stranger!? " asked Chopper. "Stay there Chopper Doctor's orders, I can take care of a little pipsqueak like him no problem" said Kureha

Calvin walks intothe house folowed by Dr. Kureha and the door is closed. Inside the house Dr kureha suddenly closes the distance between them and grabs Calvin throwing him unto the bed. "Shouldn't have turned my back on her, forgot she had superhuman strength' though Calvin immediately shifting to battle mode.

"Show it to me! There's no way a brat like you can have one so big!" said Dr. Kureha as she eyed his crotch hungrily. 'Oh' thought Calvin blankly. 'Once violent always violent even in bed' he thought in exasperation.

How does a robot/automata have an erection you say? Well a sexbot is a dream on 21st century earth right now, but it is pretty easy with the level of technology Calvin was working with.

Sticking his hand in his pants he slowly revealed his 12 inch uncircumcised member. " big...,long....., black....,hard....veiny.... penis!..... foreskin present, no circumcision, possibly phimosis' Dr. Kureha muttered to herself breathlessly in a trance. With the filter firmly in place and the Will of D Calvin said "come and see for yourself if it has phimosis"

Dickmatized she wandered over to the bed getting on her knees she gingerly. "Beginning to examine the patient muttered kureha as she placed her hands gently on his penis and peeled back the foreskin. Delighted she savored the sturdy penis in her hands while drooling. Like an expert she stuck out her wet, saliva dripping tongue daintily and licked his penis.

The tangy taste of sweat mixed with piss that came with the first lick, tingles of pleasure hit her like the first hit of caffiene in the morning! A/N: Girls really be liking the leftover piss on a dick when they suck, idky go figure.

Savoring the taste she could wait no longer and opened her mouth wide. "glucck glucck" With the sounds of slobber and spit she gobbled up his dick going all the way down leaving only 3 inches! The penis that penetrated her mouth and lodged in her throat suddenly expanded as Calvin violently ejaculated into her throat.

Surprised and disappointed she swallowed the viscous fluid that he let out. After swallowing she smirked at him and said: "Only one pump, you are still a boy I see."

Laughing Calvin smirked back at her. "That was just the beginning to get you all wet for what's to come said Calvin pointing to his penis. Looking at it she was surprised, instead of shrinking it had actually gotten bigger and harder!

Delighted a stream of pleasure ran through her body in anticipation. Blushing her body got redder and redder as she even started steaming and a wave of pleasure rolled over her body causing her to arc her back as she spasmed in pleasure and she blacked out.

Watching in amusement Calvin watched her wet herself in pleasure as the nanobots from the cum started to transform her body. Moaning loudly like a wild animal , soon screams of pleasure came from her mouth as both pain and pleasure racked her body.

She rolled around on the floor slamming into all the furniture making a ruckus. Like a time lapse video massive changes happened within seconds, her face started to get younger and younger as the nanobots rejuvenated her cells and repaired her telomeres.

The old cells were broken down and disposed of by the nanobots, this was most obvious on her face. With the filter removed Calvin watched as her face went from wrinkled to young and supple.


Out side Chopper heard the screams of pleasure in shock. "Is doctorine sick!? She sounds delirious, Fever !? I need to go check on her right now!" said Chopper looking serious. "Stop right there Tanuki ! The Lord is conducting business you can't interrupt!" said Decimo who had climbed out from underneath the sleigh.

Understanding what must be taking place even though he is still shocked, he wouldn't allow his Lord to be disturbed while doing his disturbing work. "I'm not a tanuki I'm a reindeer you bastard!" screamed Chopper indignantly. "I'm going to Doctorine don't get in my way!" He says as he transforms into his big muscular form. The soldiers try to stop him but he plows through them like bowling balls. The robot girls have to intervene in an epic battle. Arms were sent flying legs were detached. But that is a story for another time.


R18 +

Waking up with her pants soiled with her juices and a young face Dr. kureha was surprised as hell! Did I just cum and black out just from drinking semen !?"

"That's just the start, the real fun starts now" said Calvin as he took off his clothes revealing his Dark skinned, small and muscular shota body, with a massive, now 15 inches, big black cock growing from his crotch. Smirking he stretched out his hands with a come here gesture.

"No little boy that comes from one pump is going to beat me in the bedroom!' Said Kureha as she quickly shed her clothes.

Standing naked she proudly revealed her Double D cup perky breasts, and slim legs, waist and hips. Her drooling cunt with thin strands of viscous cum stretching from her vagina lips to her thigh.

Taking the lead Kureha pushes Calvin by the chest to lay down, squatting above his enormous cock with her leaking fat cunt kissing the tip. Straddling him like a cowgirl, the now young kureha has her big boobs hanging in front his face. Taking the initiative Clavin starts sucking on one breast while fondling the other with his hand.

The sudden pleasure made kureha weak and she fell onto his dick waiting below. His manhood pierced her through like a spear, with the dick splitting her in the middle she was a human shish kebab!

Regaining her composure she started to ride Calvin's cock like a galloping horse. She bounced up and down, every bounce drove him deeper and deeper inside her squirming meat hole. Harder and harder she grinded her cunt on his dick, he even smushed her breasts together and started to suck on both nipples at the same time!

She then felt two hands grab on to her ass firmly, before they pulled her down forcefully unto the hot and hard cock that met her midway in an upward thrust! "Ahhhhh!" She screamed as her legs started to shake uncontrollably and ungodly blast of pure pleasure went all the way from the bottom of her spine to the crown of her head.

Her mind went blank, she had orgasmed again. Weakly she fell onto Calvin, her strength sapped in the orgasm. Rolling her over onto her back, Calvin climbed on top of her and inserted his long dick into her again as he started ramming her mercilessly. Burying his face in her breasts he started to suck on her nipples again.

He put his fingers in her mouth and she started to suck them mindlessly as she was rocked with wave after wave of pleasure. Constantly Calvin kept hammering the walls of her pussy with his cock, like a jack hammer he steadily dug her out with hard precise strokes of his big hard rod.

'I'm cumming over and over again I can't stop!! Impossible why have I never had this before in my 136 years !' thought Kureha as her eyes rolled back into her head showing only the whites as she senselessly moaned like a wild animal.

After an hour of pounding her and enjoying the pleasure signals being sent to his robotic brain Calvin came in kureha's vagina filling it to bursting with cum. But he wasnt done he kept spurting more and more cum till she was covered from head to toe in gallons of gooey viscous fluid. "Ahhhhhh, that should do it" said Calvin contentedly.

R 18+ End


'A healthy does of cum is great for the skin, not to mention the liquid nanometal strengthening experiment that I want to carry out' mused Calvin.

"She is already monstrously strong, I can wait to see the look on some poor saps face when their bullets can't even scratch her before she pummels them into a pulp ! Muhahahahahahaha!"

After a while Kureha wakes up and showers before going back to sleep exhausted. After making sure that she now has on clothes Calvin exists the house. 'It's been 3 hours and the soldiers and chopper must be on edge by now, that was very loud and she broke a lot of furniture.

Stepping outside Calvin sees the unexpected scene of a battlefield, soldiers lay in the snow all over, craters dot the landscape, and robot parts are everywhere. 'Damn were we really that loud that I didn't hear a battle outside!' thought Calvin incredulously.

In the middle of it is the culprit, Tony Tony Chopper. Chopper was standing bloody and burnt in his monster point, gigantic and menacing while breathing heavily. It must be said that the Hx00rs are no pushovers and the many burns and cuts on Chopper's monster point body was proof of that.

Throwing down the last Hx00r robot girl, Chopper lays his muddled eyes on me. "ROAAAR" he bellows before charging towards Calvin. 'If he weren't all busted up he might be a challenge, but not now' thought Calvin. Springing into action

"Dynamic Entry!" shouts Calvin landing a flying kick in Chopper's huge head! Monster point Chopper is knocked out cold and proceeds to transform into his smaller form.

Injecting him with two syringes of nanobots to increase his recovery speed and as a back up, Calvin then goes to check on the soldiers and assess the damages to the robot girls. 'Hmm they can be repaired once they get sent to the factory.

The soldiers have nanobots in them that are slowly repairing them. "This is the second time they are being beat up today, the first time being me lol" chuckled Calvin. Seeing that everything was in order he started to review the information that the nanobots in kureha and chopper and Wapol sent to him.

"This is great, I have the baku baku no mi's info, the hito hito no mi's info, and the most comprehensive knowledge about medicine and illnesses in the one piece world. Not too bad for my first stop after setting sail.

"Next Stop ALABASTA!"

Been busy with work, no chapter last week. Extra long chapter this week. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Till next Time

BlackMiraclecreators' thoughts