
Disappointed in Him

Alphard was badly injured. Very few soldiers and two Commanders remained after their battle with Prince Ileus and Princess Anastasia. In his dreams also he had never imagined that he would be fighting with the Dark Prince. More than him, it was his wife and another fae woman who had brought about the whole carnage. They were an unstoppable force that his soldiers couldn't deal with. The Nyxers were born and trained to fight with werewolves. They had no idea how to fight with faes and that too who had tremendous magic in them. 

His Commanders carried him back to Hydra on the horse back. Ileus had broken several of his ribs. His legs were fractured and his spine was dislocated. Every time the horse moved, he winced in pain. In the end, the soldiers had to carry him back on a makeshift stretcher. 
