


Annusk. That was the name he presented. He did not take on a human form for familiarity, but he did shrink in size to accommodate ours and also for easier access to our structures. 

Annusk was… not what I expected. I along with Ari was designated to welcome this being while Henry tended to Strome, trying to win the young lady's trust somehow.

Annusk did not speak a word and as we stood outside with him, he surveyed our surroundings, taking in whatever he could. I could sense as his essence rummaged through our domain and he could not mask his surprise as he became aware of places or things he could not readily access. 

Aside from perfecting the effectiveness of the Lunar tongue, some of us have taken our essence to the next level where we have kept certain things hidden and inaccessible to these primordials and we did not care if they would be aware of it. 
