
Chapter 1075 Reporting the quest

編集者: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1075 Reporting the quest

Lu Yu and Hu Zhan set off on their trek back to Skyplume City. They followed a narrow forest path, their steps leading them home.

Halfway through the journey, Hu Zhan broke the silence. "So, this quest is a failure, right? A bit of a rough start."

Lu Yu offered a helpless shrug. "Technically, with enough effort, I could probably track it down. But it would be incredibly time-consuming."

"Yeah, no point wasting time on a wild goose chase. Besides, the longer we search, the less likely we are to succeed."

"At least we disrupted the enemy's plans," Lu Yu interjected, offering a silver lining. "That alone is a victory in its own right."

Hu Zhan gave a slight nod of agreement. "Defeating the enemy is all that matters. Now, what do you think Zhao Qingya will have to say?"
