
Worst friend

"I am specially invited to that the party!"

I cried and all the laughter suddenly frowned to which Sai's lips curled up-

"Liar! Don't dream in daylight!"

I feel a sudden steam of molten lava flowing through me

And my brain already was screaming all the forbidden words that are said to be 'Bad words'!

And I wasn't guilty in anything here!


This bitch is making me angry...but I know what is there to punch her face through!

I grin carelessly and Opened my mouth to spell some acidusious cominique that was surely going up to smoke some bitches here!

But before, I could have get one's finger out

Yuki seized my hand from behind between his fingers and whispers laying soft but throbbingly-


I slant my skull and met his grey granite eyes not so far from mine, I just clear node in pain through my peer and returned my focus on this vicious creep-

"Nao has invited me!"

"Impossible!" louring she almost fall to the ground but her supporter girls saved her from that but I have seriously drowned her down this!

Ah... a feel of deep satisfaction is rushing through me as I say ralished-

"See for yourself tonight!"

But, behind me wild fire have broke out!

Out of the blue, the gate to the classroom fly open and Mr. Hayato Sato, our french teacher entered taking the breath away of everyone in the room-

"est-ce qu'il y a une fête ici ?!"

Everyone was like-

'What?! ' why wouldn't we?!

He most of the time show off his French skills to us rather than doing what he has been paid for that is to teach us

He sighed-

"Is there a party going on right here?! "

Wow! 'Party', that word would have definitely hit Sai in a hard way... I know.


then Mr. French started glancing his 1950s rare vintage collection watch made out of golden dille and brown strap, and started to murmer-


It told a second to understand what he was saying but actually he was French counting from 10 to 0.

Everyone from there bended- crumbled state get into a proper student state-setting their zig-zag benches into the row and rugging there heels to the smooth floor. And I wasn't a geek to that- I also rush to our darling desk throwing my backpack to one side-left side of the two desk combined bench and right one was Yuki which he has already adapted before me.

And when the last 'Zeh-ro' echoed in the class room everyone was silent as all were dead!

Then with a victory smile he took command of the black board writing something French on it which was sounding interesting to the first benchers but to last benchers like us-It was like a soothing lullaby...I screwed my eyes which were in no matter of time would be shut but today there was some disturbance in surrounding!

What's that?!

I searched around and suddenly I caught a rasping voice through my right ear-from Yuki's side.

What he's doing?!

I looked searchingly towards my bestie-

he was rasping his lead pencil tip on the one white torn paper from his French notebook mindlessly scraping lines.

"What is this art called, Mr Picasso?!" I joked but he looked in the very serious mood and then again continued in his state-of-the-art.

Oh no! mental attack!

"You are not going to tell me?!" I asked him bubbling my cheeks, still same annoying face!

"Fine...don't tell me stay busy in your 'Art'! "

I turned my head again to the board where some unreadable text were played in the abtrupt silence, my ears caught a whisper-

"You are not going to Ren's party..."

"What?! "

I screamed almost forgetting where I was!

"I'm Sorry sorry..."

But, To Mr Seto, He looked trough his golden frame spectacles and in icy cold voice said -

"In French..."

"UH... S-sorry?! "

He said them so low that I didn't even caught the words.

"Apologize in French!"

He bawled, and I was shivered in terror-

What's I'm sorry in French?!

I know Good morning, good evening...and everything 'Bon'!

But not sorry!

What a fool I am, I didn't learn something that vital in the French class!

But what can I even do other than standing like a statue looking searchingly down on my book hoping to find any hint but what a lucky I had opened up the French kitchen stuff down on my book!

Today, I'm dead!

"Out of the class! "

He growled...and I know there isn't a second time warning in this 'cause second time means 'to the principal'!

With my bend head, I get out of my bench quickly but suddenly I caught an idea-

'If I am going down, You are going down too'

And in this equation, 'You' stands for the one who have sworn on the stake of our friendship to always drown with me...That is Yuki!

As I was getting away, I crunch picasso's feet under my sharp shoes harder than ever-


He cried in sufferance,It wasn't so Loud but because he was sitting next to me-he was also punished with the same punishment as mine...

"You are the worst friend one could have!"

now with a satisfactory wide smile, I stood outside the class room in corridor with Yuki accompanying me...
