
Super power

The Ren's party!

Which have always been a dream to most, Today My bf is inviting me there?!

It sounds more like Morning dream!

"Stop! Stop! "

slipping away from the warm grips of Nao which has got tighter on me like I was his possession,

but if I wouldn't have got out, I was more than certain that there's going to be some blood war!

Between two most loved person of my life!

But it's so heartbreaking that...

Both hate each other more than anything in this world!

God, I thought it would get better with time!

This Best friend-boy friend bonding!

Yuki-Nao bonding!

But it is something only I am hanging on them that's why, both are tolerating each others face in front of their sights!

I slashed between boys in a quick flash which was a matter of time, they could have blasted each other heads otherwise-

"Can we just stay...!"

I looked around, and whispers in irritation.


Everyone were staring us in quite an interest.

Both suddenly got awake from the rage-

"Fine! " Yuki rolled his eyes moving his face aside.


Now, I turned again my eyes trying to refocus on Nao, who stood there with accepting glittered eyes almost enchanting like saying 'Say yes...Say yes!'

"Nao, You know I'd like too but-"

"Her mom would be at home and karauo in her room!"

Not again!

"Yuki!!!" I grit his name through my teeth.

"Tell me if it isn't true?!" he questioned looking straight into my eyes with his trust colored spreading sharp in his eyes.

How often I denied, but it was true!

There was no way to go without getting into either of Ma's or karauo's eyes!

"Okay!"I give a cut tongue nodding answer to Yuki and then fall my apologizing gaze on My bf-

"...Nao I seriously can't...I'm sorry... "

"It's enough with this...We haven't been anywhere yet, I say you are coming tonight!

And if it is Karauo, I can handle her!"


Handling Karauo?!

"She is an evil witch how are you going to tame her?!" Being in utterly confused state I asked but to Him, he was so cool that it had made my mental state dizzier,

"Being popular is my super power, babe! "


Surely he was been popular!

That's pulling the injury!

Of the morning quell between siblings!

And it hurts to admit but it was true!

Karauo is more popular than me!

I feel like I was all in the clouds of anonymous!!!

"Your being playboy is your super power!"

Abtruptly, Yuki started to guffawing like a mad man!

Seriously now the sand is drifting from my hand!!!!


Thank goodness!

It was so great timing that it hit the right..

otherwise I couldn't even estimation what could have happened!

breaking the sudden tension, I grabbed Yuki's arm and started to drag him into the school building flawlessly-

"Class Class!!! "

Then, abtruptly my nerves gave me a jolt and with my walking feet, I twisted to meet the grace of My boyfriend who was almost frozen on the same peice of land from where Yuki and I have already walked a distance apart, Hand twinged and eyes annoyed!

Did I do something wrong?!

"You are not coming to class?!"

I asked in innocence.

He grin with a brain held smile not natural like his angelic-

"I have got something...outdoors!"

Offcouse, he is captain of football team, he have got so much on his head!

I couldn't force him to do something!

"Okay, I will catch you up in lunch...?!" My lips curled in satisfactory nod yet unsatisfied and my feet never lost it's pace.

"Love you! "

I couldn't help but blush on his words...I turned my head again to pass my feelings through my heart to his that 'Love you, too'

but in a sudden hind, one Yuki's arm quilted around my neck like a cobra, Yanking me closer to hiself that I could feel his heart racing from such a distance, holding my neck tighter between his biceps with his feet fastening it's pace in pro.


Still, no reply!

in enragment, I lifted my infuriated eyes to only catch Yuki's face which was blanker than anything I ever saw, his eyes only focused straight still confused, I could see it from so Down through his sharp chin and his teeth grinding in rage!

'Wait! Is he jealous?!'

I have saw such expression many a time but this time it was burning!

'Did he think He is losing his bestie to someone else?!

That now I don't need him?!

He is nothing to me?! '

So, much talk of wisdom in which I was driving deeper but Yuki was himself the one breaking my meditation-His grip was now so tighten on my neck such as crushing my throat that even I couldn't barely take so air in!

That, my attacking mind could only thing of one way to save itself from sudden collapse-biting his arm which is the one culprit around trying to crush my throat?!

And it didn't knew who the hell it is taking a fight with!!!

"Ah! " He jolt off a bit from that sudden injection of my pearly whites but still his arm was around me and eyes into something else!

"Got the taste?!... What do you think you were doing?!-Killing me?! "

I crackled in anger shaking his arm from Me!

But, He was on different world!

"Are you serious 'bout that guy?! "

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