
Morpheus Attending The Council Meeting

"I'm glad you made a friend. Do you know his name?" Leeora asked. "Maybe I know him too."

Ember nodded but even before she could answer, there was a disturbance outside her house. Her home shook a little as if the tree spirit had been disturbed and was restless.

The High Elder belatedly realized what it was. 'Not again.' 

With a sigh, Leeora stood up and went towards the door. The moment she opened the door, she saw a Divine Eagle turn into a man before  landing in front of the door. He swatted away the moving branches like he's fending off flies with his hand. 

Leeora easily recognized his ash gray hair and wings. She tapped her staff to calm the tree spirit that was rampaging once again due to the order of their king to not let any male enter this house. 

"Morph!" Leeora said with a smile. 

The shapeshifter smiled back at her. "Leeora, how have you been?"


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
