
The Stupid Lycan 15

Ava continued walking. She thought she was prepared to see what was on the other side but nothing could have prepared her for what she was about to see.

"Matthew?" Ava frowned when she sensed Matthew standing not far away from her. She could see his back and he was staring at something. Slowly, she walked towards him. "Matt— " she wasn't able to continue her words when she saw the creature in front of Matthew.

"Isn't that— " It was Dr. Ochea and he looked— a part of him doesn't look human.

"What have they done?" Matthew asked.

"I— "

"All of them are like that…" Matthew said. However, Ava's attention was already on the blue rock that seemed to emit some light. It was encased in a glass box not far away from them. Without saying a word, she walked towards the rock.

It was a relic.

And it was calling her.

Meaning, this is one of the relics that Lucas wanted her to destroy.
