
I missed you.

Jie Fu Lian did not manage to get too far. Actually, he wasn't even trying to run far away. As soon as he left the Yan Sect, Jie Fu Lian learned the harsh reality that he had nowhere else to go. 

This situation was completely foreign to him and he was still too young to properly react to it with a calm mind. His heart was still racing with fear and even at this moment, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to go back to the Yan Sect. 

Had he been thrown away for good...? 

Eventually, Jie Fu Lian reached a small town that was near the Yan Sect. Although it was close, he had never been here before, and hence, nobody recognized his face but they surely recognized his clothes. 

With the money that Jie Yang Zan had given him, Jie Fu Lian booked a room at an inn for a whole week and decided to rest up a little. 
