
Riddles and answers

Mr Ken stared at the girl walking by his side, she was lost in thoughts and he could sense that without reading her mind then, he smiled with his head down, lifted his gaze but was looking away. "What would you have done if I didn't save you earlier?"

Mona's attention was caught by his question and she looked at him. Sensing her gaze, he glanced at her before looking forward.

"Nothing, I know I'd have fallen in the river," she answered.

"But I haven't heard any polite words for me saving you," he didn't look at her.

"Thank you, Mr Ken, you are my saviour," she sounded genuine and he just nodded his head and continue to watch her until they reached the gate to her house. 

Mona stopped, and so did Mr Ken as he stood across from her waiting for her to utter her words but she just stared at him so he took the dart.
