
A vacation

I watched him as he slept, although it did sound creepy.

Had I been the one watched by another, I wouldn't have felt comfortable.

Nevertheless, that didn't prevent me from admiring how cute Lee is.

Those times away, time away from him, have made him cuter than he was, before.

His cuteness seems to be increasing as the days go by.

I feel—

He slowly opened his eyes, but he didn't fully wake.

I watched him stretch his body like a cute cat who just woke up from sleep.

"Mmm," he burrowed into me more, it was as if he wanted to enter into my body. "So warm."

I smiled at his words.

Lee seriously is cute. His size alone makes me eager to take him on, and hide him in a place where no one can ever hurt him. He's too innocent for the world.

But at the same time, I don't know who my husband is.

He might not be the person I think he is. If not, why did he come to the ball party every Friday?
