
Chapter 10 - Forbidden Feeling

Aleya couldn't tell the truth that she felt something odd about her about Leo. She was hard to say and also did not understand how to describe it. She was also afraid that if she spoke the wrong way, then everything would look complicated.

Seeing Aleya who just stayed silent without answering her question, Ivory started guessing. She could have forced Aleya to tell her about what had happened to her recently, but Ivory wasn't the type of angel who liked to push her fellow girls.

"It's okay if you can't tell me now," Ivory began. "But I hope, if I ever have another meeting like this, you're ready to tell me, Aleya. I can help you."

Aleya raised her head. Her face looked worried but she was also grateful for being given free time from Ivory. She then thanked her and said goodbye to go out for a while before she went to sleep.

When Aleya was outside the house, she looked to her right and left. That was when she decided to fly freely up and around the entire city with a beautiful flap of her wings. Her angelic luster began to appear and lit up her surroundings beautifully.

She had an idea to visit Leo's place. She wanted to see Leo for no reason. At least watching him from his bedroom window, maybe.

Leo's room was still brightly lit, indicating that the host wasn't asleep yet, she didn't know what she was doing. Aleya tried to look and she smiled without realizing it when she saw Leo working on something with his laptop.

"With your serious face like this, you're handsome, Leo," she complimented softly.

One compliment which meant forbidden feelings, without her realizing it, some of the tips of her wings looked blackish gray. She did not feel the change in color if not a single wing fell.

Yes. Angels are forbidden to fall in love with humans. They should have known the consequences and realized it. But all creatures that were created, were made based on love from the Father of Heaven.

She began to circle around Leo's room, touching it with every touch of her hand gracefully. And without realizing it, she cleaned every dust that landed on Leo's belongings.

"Aleya … " suddenly her name was called by Leo when he was already asleep.

Suddenly Aleya immediately turned around, looked, and breathed a sigh of relief. At least her name was called when he was still sleeping.

But why did Leo say her name? Is this the first time or the first time for Aleya to hear him call her name?

"Aleya, don't go. I beg you."

Aleya's face looked curious. Her forehead wrinkled. She started observing what Leo was going to say next. But she waited long enough, Leo did not continue his speech. He even snored, making Aleya exasperated.

"Yeah, you better not go on with whatever you have to say, Leo. It would be very dangerous for me to hear that. Well, I've heard a few though," said Aleya shrugging her shoulders.

Aleya slowly backed away. She stood on the windowsill with her two wings slowly flapping, ready to fly. Her face looked sad but she loved looking at Leo.

"How can I feel this? Am I starting to fall in love?" she asked, holding her chest.

Suddenly someone pulled her away from Leo's bedroom window. And reflex, Aleya flew with her. It was Ivory who pulled her away from the window.

They stared at each other above the clouds with their wings flapping. Hair was moving because of the night wind.

"What are you doing on a night like this, Aleya? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Ivory asked.

Aleya was silent for a moment. She then sighed. "You saw I was at Leo's place, Ivory."

"And then?"

"I just wanted to make sure he's okay."

"He does. You don't need to confirm it. Outside of your duties, Gabriel and I are watching the angels' targets. You don't have to go up to them and observe them."

Aleya swallowed. Hearing Ivory's tone, it was clear that there was firm pressure, telling her to 'don't let you fall in love with him.' That's what Aleya caught.

"Sorry, I'll be back then," said Aleya looking down, feeling sad.

She turned to fly towards the house, but Ivory held her back with the strength of her hand which flashed a blue light straight at Aleya's wings, causing her to stop and turn around.

Ivory noticed that there were black spots on some of Aleya's wing tips. And she knew that Aleya didn't know it yet.

"Don't you want to tell me something, Aleya?" Ivory asked. This time she couldn't be patient anymore with her.

"Something like what?" asked Aleya pretending.

"Aleya … I'm a girl too. I know what you're feeling. Don't think an angel like me can't feel what you're feeling right now," Ivory said finally.

Aleya looked down where the lights of buildings, houses, etc. were lit up, looking beautiful.

If Ivory could feel it, why did she seem normal? Meanwhile, Aleya herself had to put on a face as if nothing had happened even though she couldn't help but say it.

Ivory herself finally chose to start first. Because if she waited for Aleya to say it, she was sure that Aleya wouldn't really tell her.

"I don't want to talk about anything, Ivory. So we should just go home."

"Why? Do you feel humiliated for feeling something you shouldn't be feeling?" Ivory asked her to silence her.

She looked around, afraid that Gabriel might be eavesdropping on their conversation. Or anyone … it could be.

"There's no one here. Just me and you, Aleya," Ivory replied when she knew what Aleya was thinking.

"I'm not sure, Ivory."

"What do you mean?"

"About this feeling," Aleya replied while touching her chest. "What I feel … I'm not sure. Yeah, not at all sure. Even mentioning it in front of you, I really feel insulted."

 Ivory grabbed Aleya's shoulders, she had something more important to say. 

"Hold the feeling. Better get rid of it but you keep doing your job. Aleya … if you feel it more, your wings will turn black. Can't you see that some of your wingtips are already blackened?"

Aleya froze. All this time she only knew of a few wings that fell and showed black. But actually, he didn't really pay attention to the whole wing.

"This is terrible, Ivory!" she said with wide eyes after she saw her wing herself.
