
A Deal

Joshua wiped his eyes to get a better look at the strange man who had suddenly appeared.

He was a tall and slender man, standing well over six feet tall with a top hat that made him appear even taller. He wore a three-piece white suit with a white tie, a style native to earth but unseen in this fantasy world that Joshua was now in. He carried a long white cane with a large round gem that was as crimson as freshly fallen blood.

His skin was alabaster, and his eyes were yellow. His ears appeared to have slight points at the top and he appeared to have black hair hidden beneath his large top hat.

"Who are you?" Joshua asked.

"Oh, that's not important right now." The strange man said. "Let's just say that I am a friend and am here to offer you some much needed help."

He knelt down to get closer to Joshua's level, who was sitting on the floor holding Gina's limp body in his arms.

"Right." Joshua said with a nervous laughter. "A deal with the devil."

"Ouch!" The man said. "Calling me the devil is so… well it's uncalled for. Frederick, you have messed up haven't you."

"How do you know that name?!" Joshua asked.

"Oh, I know all about you." The man said. "You come from another world, another universe, another time. You used to be called Frederick, something of a computer wizard if I am not mistaken. That is until you found yourself in that boy's body. Did I miss anything?"

Joshua was now concerned. He had told no one of his past and could not figure out why this strange man dressed all in white knew these things about him.

"What a face you are making!" The man said, commenting on Joshua's look he was giving him. "Worry not, I said I was a friend and I never tell a lie."

"How do you know all this?" Joshua asked. He had a theory but wanted to confirm it.

"Because I am the reason you are here of course." The man said. "In case you are wondering. Yes, you died back on Earth. You should have known drinking seven energy drinks and staying up over seventy-two hours was going to kill you. Your poor heart just couldn't take it."

"So, I died." Joshua said. "Why would you pick me?"

"Oh, Frederick, that is not something you should concern yourself with." The man replied.

"But I want to know." Joshua replied. "Why Isekai me here?! At the bottom of society?! At level one?!"

"Yes, and already you have reached the level of knighthood and have made a small fortune." The man replied. "Not just any soul could have accomplished that in such a fleeting time. As for my reasoning, I may tell you one day, but this day is not that day.

For I only share my secrets for a deal, and I only make one deal at a time. I assume that the dead maiden in your arms will be the topic of your deal today?"

"What do you want?" Joshua asked. "Is it my soul? Do you want that?"

"Foolish child." The man said with a crackling laugh. "Why would anyone want such a trivial thing as a mortal soul? No, what I want is a favor. Being as I am, I cannot interact with this plane of existence directly, and sometimes I need something done. This is one of those times.

You will be traveling to the aptly named dungeon of death soon. I want you to conquer it. Defeat the guardian boss on the final floor and break the seal to the treasury door. That is your task and all I desire from you at this point in time.

In return I will give you magic, something you sorely lack. I shall also grant you the spell of resurrection. This place does not work as the world you came from. On Earth when a soul dies, they return to the cycle. However, here souls linger.

Instead of returning to be reborn, they return as the living dead. Only after they have been dispatched as the undead, can their souls return to the cycle. Your spell can bring back the dead, but only if they haven't become undead yet. It also takes a toll on your mana. With your current reserves I am gifting you, that will be one cast. After that you will need a mana potion or two weeks rest."

The man got up and walked over to Joshua and put his hand out. "So, do we have a deal, young man? Will you kill the guardian of the dungeon and break the seal that it protects? Be warned that any deal made with me is binding. If you ever lose your will to complete the task your soul will self-destruct."

Joshua quickly grabbed the man's hand and shook it. "It's a deal." Joshua said. "I would conquer any dungeon to save Gina."

"Very well." The man said as green flames swirled around their hands. The flames burned hot; Joshua could feel the warmth on his skin. The flames started getting closer and closer to their hands until they attached themselves to their arms.

As the flames burned Joshua's skin a black tattoo formed that looked like spiraling chains from his hand to his elbow.

"To use your spell simply say: By the command of death, I release you from your slumber, arise and be awakened to life. Resurrection!" The man instructed. "I have fulfilled my end of the bargain and I eagerly await your fulfillment. I will be watching your progress closely. Do not disappoint me, Frederick. I have the highest of hopes for you."

As quickly as the man appeared he vanished, and the flow of time returned to the room. The green flames returned to their orange hue and danced wildly in the ovens. Joshua took a deep breath and looked down at Gina as he stroked her hair.

"By the command of death, I release you from your slumber, arise and be awakened to life. Resurrection!" Joshua said, no louder than a whisper. The wound on Gina's chest closed and the color returned to her flesh.

Her eyes opened quickly, and she gasped for air as if filling her lungs for the first time. She then looked up and saw that she was laying in Joshua's lap. She could see the tears running down his face. "Joshua?" She whispered.

He wasted no time and picked her up and held her tightly against his chest, giving her the tightest hug, she could handle. "I am so happy you made it back to me." Joshua said. "I am so sorry I didn't make it sooner."

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