

Ning Yiyi could only smile and think of another reason to get out of here. But what Ning Mei said next had her frowning hard.

" No Ning family members or their direct relatives are allowed to leave the mansion untill I allow to. " Ning Mei declared it.

All the members frowned. Jiang Lihui could not take it anymore, and almost yelled, " What the hell it is Ning Mei?! We are tolerating these bullshit of yours for quite sometime now! And you are treating your own family members like prisoners?!

Why are we not allowed to go out?! "

Ning Mei looked at Jiang Lihui side eyedly and said, " Why? Who is waiting for you outside aunty? Your husband is here, your kids are here. So why can't you stay inside for a while?"

"..." Jiang Lihui was rendered speechless for a moment. She huffed as she turned her face away not finding anything to retaliate with.
