
The Kidnapping

Arabella's POV

I woke up disoriented, lying flat on hard ground. I could tell I was on the floor. As I opened my eyes, I realized it was dark, and I could only see a glitter of light coming outside through a hole. I was groping for the surface while trying to recollect what had happened.

"Anika! Anika!" I yelled out and panicked the moment I remembered the men who were walking on the beach; they were the ones who had taken Anika.

"Anika, are you there?" I asked, but there was no answer, and my body was trembling as I realized something might happen to her. I couldn't believe they had taken Anika and me; I was wondering where could be Tyler's daughter.

I stood up and moved my hand from left to right, up and down, as I looked for a wall. I still remember during our fire safety training, when you are trapped, and you can't see anything, you have to look for a wall, and it will lead you to the door.
