
Report (Ch.24)

"You mean to say the rumours of treason are nothing but allegations made by envious Alphas?" Alpha King Lothaire asked,

His tone terrified Neveah but Neveah held her ground, since her father had requested a report, she would give him just that and she would hold nothing back.

"I have doubted this conclusion at first and was convinced of their involvement even, but I have concrete reasons to believe this conclusion now."

" In this circle of leadership, the battle for supremacy is fierce, and such underhanded tactics are prevalent." Neveah stated,

Neveah knew her father had a hand in pitting the Eclipse Alphas against one another, it was his own method of ensuring a power balance.

"While Alpha Varleston and the Eclipse Claw have increased in power and influence considerably in a short time, it is owed to the support of the human population in their terrain."

"Furthermore, my inquiry reveals Alpha Varleston has awarded the command mark to all humans who are willing to take on pack duty, this grants them access to the mindlink as well as subjects them to the Alpha command."

"Now, if Alpha Varleston wished to rebel against father's regime or is somehow involved in a rebellious plot, the greatest weapon he could acquire is an army free from the hierarchy of command."

"By awarding the command mark to the humans, he ensures they are subject not just to his Alpha command but to that of the Alpha King to whom he owes loyalty."

"In essence, both the wolf and human population of Eclipse Claw are incapable of resisting father's supreme Alpha command so long as Alpha Varleston's oath of loyalty stands, how are they to rebel then?" Neveah explained her conclusion in an objective manner.

She kept her tone blank and straightforward, neither supporting nor condemning any party involved but just relaying the findings of her investigation.

"A reasonable conclusion, I am in agreement with your words. Alpha Varleston's oath of loyalty still stands, the strands of our connection by blood oath have not faltered in the slightest."

"Nevertheless, Alpha Varleston has changed the governing rules of his territory without prior notice, that does not speak of loyalty." Alpha King Lothaire said in a low snarl.

Neveah frowned slightly at her father's words, as always he was regarding the situation from a selfish point of view.

"Alpha Varleston possesses great love for the human population, granting them better living conditions and full inclusion is a praise worthy venture, he must have feared father would not grant permission."

"Beyond that, all Eclipse Packs rule autonomously, as Alpha of his territory, so long as he breaks no rules, the decision of his method of governing should naturally be his to make... this is the ancient law." Neveah replied,

Neveah recalled how Lucas had spoken of how relieved he was to see the trust the human population in Eclipse Claw territory placed on the Varlestons and how he would never betray their trust.

The Varlestons took pride in the happiness of their people, wolf and human alike and Neveah believe only such a level of understanding and acceptance was expected of a true and worthy leader.

Neveah also knew the suggestion to change the governing rules without informing the Alpha King was Lucas Varleston's idea but she knew that was better never mentioned to a man like her father.

All along, Neveah guessed her father was assured of Alpha Varleston's loyalty, he only needed her to find a fault through which he could get rid of the Alpha of Eclipse Claw simply because he felt pride hurt that his authority was ignored.

Neveah also knew her father felt threatened by the power and influence Alpha Varleston was garnering among the Eclipse Packs and would rather kill wrongly than let a possible threat be.

This was just the kind of man Alpha King Lothaire Raul was and while the world got to see a different side of him entirely, Neveah was only ever faced with his true self.

"You seem awfully certain of Alpha Varleston's grand intentions, do I sense respect for him budding somewhere?" Alpha King Lothaire asked Neveah.

Neveah's heart dropped as she understood her father's implications.

"All Eclipse Alphas are father's subordinates, I find it due courtesy to regard them with respect." Neveah replied with all the confidence she could muster,

"Due courtesy? Since when was it your place to decide what is due courtesy?! Your only job is to do as I tell you!" Alpha King Lothaire snarled.

Neveah's eyes widened as her father's glowing gaze lifted to settle on her and it took everything in her not to retreat away from him.

"And what pray tell do you have to say of your second mission?" Alpha King Lothaire asked in a dark tone.

The second mission, the mission that required Neveah to seduce Lucas Varleston and get him to propose marriage... the mission Neveah had ruined intentionally.

"No words? Do you reckon I do not know what you have done?!" Alpha King Lothaire snarled.

"Father... I..." Neveah began to explain but was cut off by a fierce growl that had every word she was about to say stuck to her throat.

"Neveah Omega Lothaire! How dare you defy me and act as you please?!" Alpha King Lothaire growled out ferociously.

Neveah bit her lip to withhold her rage as the Alpha within her was challenged by her father's growl.

"Father, if Alpha Varleston is loyal, then of what use is victimizing his son? The Varlestons are good people! What could they have that you want so much?! Father already has everything!" Neveah replied defiantly,

In the blink of an eye, her father was before her and Neveah swallowed down a yelp of pain as he grabbed her hair and yanked back forcefully so her head was tilted in an awkward position.

"I have been far too lenient on you Neveah, to think you even dare have an opinion about my affairs...are you tired of living?!" Alpha King Lothaire roared,
