

During the whole period that the debate was going on, Mahima did not lift his head even once to see how things were going. He was very fixated on his Small round device he had nicknamed the lab-rab pellet. 

The moment the final choice concerning the siege plan was made though, the speaker rose to his feet and proceeded to call for the king's attention. When Mahima was finally torn away from his device, the speaker launched into his duty.

"Sir, we've decided to attack the three knight colonies as a Single unit led by you. That way, er can thoroughly overwhelm and deal with the knights absolutely." The speaker announced fervently and his colleagues who had been in favor of the plan from the start nodded happily.

"I see. Well, since there's nothing Left here to do, I guess its time we move, right?" Mahima asked seriously for the first time and his officials answered in the affirmative. 
