
Joanna And Laura's Challenge

"And why is that a problem, Anna?" Audrey asked not getting Joanna's point.

"You don't get it…,"

"Of course I do and I think you are the one acting paranoid. Mrs Parker didn't get angry because she doesn't have anything to hide. Also, not everyone gets angry at every little thing," Audrey trailed to make sure that Joanna was following the point she was trying to make.

"Only those who have a skeleton under their cupboard will overreact and she didn't get mad because she is hiding no secret. Why didn't you think this far hmm?" Audrey asked.

Even though she has said so much Audrey could see that Joanna still wasn't convinced.

Joanna resumed walking, "I know you think I am being paranoid but I am a hundred per cent sure about what I am saying. My instinct cannot be wrong," Joanna was very confident as she talked.

"You will see…,"

"Anna, you promised you were gonna hang out with me at my apartment…,"
