
Slaying the Demons

Lucien's head is about to break from stress. He was here, sitting like a fool, in front of his computer for the whole night. He had watch two whole seasons of the newly released anime, "Slaying the Demons". He ignored spoilers of this top favorite anime of his, only to find the spoilers are too spot on.

The protagonist actually died. He died! He died! The fuck! This is bullshit! He did not sleep straight for two nights binge watching the series and this is what he gets?! Some argued death on both sides is justifiable since the villain also died.

What fucking justifiable shit are they talking about?! This is too unacceptable! Injustice!

Lucien refresh the front page of the official releasing site of the anime again and again. The comments from the latest released episode is flooded with aggregated comments from the fans. Lucien did not miss the chance to express his dissatisfaction either. He cursed not only the ugly cannon fodder demons but also the final BOSS for being so stupid.

What revenge?! What fucking revenge?! He just want to destroy the world because it killed his childhood bestfriend pet dog. The fuck! Will you destroy the world just because your dog is so stupid to venture into the fight between the demon slayers and the demons? Will you hold accountable the fighters of the justice who's mission is to rid the world from the greedy evil demons? Where's the common sense of this final BOSS?!

And the protagonist! Fuck! Don't get me started with the protagonist! He started off okay. He lost his family at a young age. Grow up in orphanage, the usual tragic background story of most of the protagonist. But then one day his orphanage house was attacked by man eating demons. Many children with the protagonist's age died. When the protagonist is cornered by the demons with his few surviving friends, a demon slayer saved them from the danger.

From that then on, the demon slayer faction transferred the orphan children to the Haven City ruled and protected by the demon slayer faction. Each child are given a choice, whether they want to join the demon slayer faction or live their lives smoothly and normally in the protection of the city.

Majority choose the latter. Of course, the protagonist with his protagonist halo chose to train. There were twenty of them who joined the demon slayer faction but only half survived the training. The rest give up. But things never said the same way twice when it comes to actually going out there in the world and defeat the demons.

Many of his friends died. But that doesn't stop the protagonist from his goal of ridding the world from demons. Lucien can only shake his head. What kind of fool would choose to sacrifice his life just to save others?

Playing hero almost every time, will the people they save be thankful for their deeds? Nine out of ten will say thank you. Some will get emotional and burst into tears as they say their thanks. But after that, do you think they will remember afterward? Sure they will, but what will remembering have anything to do with the benefits the demon slayers receive?

If one think about it, demon slayers get injured everytime they kill a demon. But the people they saved receive the most benefit. None goes back to them.

Lucien scoff. There are certainly many points that he hate being a demon slayer. But he liked the protagonist. Not only was he different from the usual stupid, clumsy, boisterous protagonists, he was cold, calculative, plans ahead, careful in his ways.

He never made a misshap in his mission. No lives are wasted when he targets a demon. It can be said it was his protagonist halo on the work, but really, it was actually his hard core train sword skills that made him like that. The protagonist is favored by god, a darling in the heavens. Of course, the law of this world will prevent any harm done to the protagonist. No matter how slim the chances are or how impossible the circumstances to happen will be.

After Lucien commented harsh remarks about the ending, the comment section is in uproar. Some supported his statements about his insult about the villain. And how the protagonist should have lived and have a happy ending. After all, he deserve it. He went through thick and thin, surviving each challenge, witnessing beforehand how his comrades die.

But the most raised issue is how some of his senior is jealous of the protagonist's unworldly skills. They get envious how he advanced in the ranks of demon slayer faction so fast, they set him up to take mission that is meant for levels above himself. And the protagonist can barely get away with most of his bones broken.

After all that struggles he turned up dead. Dead! What the fuck?! Is this author so vile he can't even afford to give his favored protagonist a happy ending he deserve?! Anime or not, whether reality or fantasy, everybody deserve a happy ending! And death is definitely not included in that!

The fuck!

If possible. Lucien can list out all the things he was dissatisfied about. Not once, he repeats on his review, not once did the protagonist ever have a love candidate. Always killing, hunting demons. Meeting people, saving common citizens, training, lying in bed for extensive days to heal. That is his life routine!

No! Potential! Love! Partner! Can fans like him accept that?! No wonder many people joined him in his protest in the comments. They all voted to change the ending. Give at least a miracle come back of the protagonist. At least, let him meet the girls he saved from the past and build a harem.

Or have him retire, let him live in the outskirts of town where he will spend the rest of his life in peace. How badly does the author want to kill this protagonist of his? Is the author really obsessed in breaking all his fans hearts?

Lucien spend the rest of his early mornings commenting and abusing the author in the comments. He went as far as arguing and throwing trashtalks to the other fans and anti-fans. When Lucien finally check the time, he was shocked it's already eleven in the morning!

Wow, these fans are vampires like him. They don't even sleep. After scrolling for some time, feeling a bit not regretful since his feelings are already expressed, he took out some money from his wallet to buy some food in the nearby convenience store.

The have all kinds of pack lunch. His favorite is chicken and sisig. He doesn't like the tuna flavored one or the morning breakfast composed of eggs and corned beef. If he buy chicken, he won't need to eat for the rest of the day.

This style of eating is very dangerous, no wonder his stomach is so taut the ribs can be counted when one look closely at him. Even his face is blotched with big pores, and thick black eyebags.

But none of this appeared to concern Lucien. He's not good looking, unlike the characters in the anime he watched. Girls in real life aren't like in the anime either. They don't grow hearts on their eyes, but they surely roll their eyes when they see ugly men making a move on them. But they instantly became extremely noisy and boisterous when handsome men passed by.

And Lucien belongs to this ugly men group women rolled their eyes upon. He shrugged. There's nothing he can do about that. He doesn't need a lover either. Anime! That's what he needs. If only the protagonist did not die in the end he should have been feeling happy and celebrating today.

Instead he's feeling a bit dejected. The more Lucien thinks about it, the more he thought that shooting abused reviews in the comments is not enough. What could he possibly do to be satisfied?

It's not like the author slash the creator of the anime himself can read those comments of his. Lucien slid through his worn out slippers, his white shirt and black shorts are worn by him for three days straight now.

His hair is coarse and hard, his eyes are a bit red because of lack of sleep. But he wasn't sleepy at all. When he crossed the neighborhood and passed inside the convenience store, he notice that there's no one inside except the clerk.

Weird. It's already eleven. Normally, students from across the streets will combed this place and chat their way through the counter. He had experienced many inconvenience and accident. That is why he avoid getting caught up in this kind of trouble.

So how come its eleven ten now and not one student can be seen on site? As he draw near the counter, his puzzlement was quickly answered. Behind the counter, there are three students – all girls, who are trembling and curled up.

One man, in black hood and jeans had his gun pointed at their heads.

Lucien: The fuck! Why did you die?! I can't accept this!

Protagonist: I'm not dead yet. At least not until I meet my wife~

Author: Support us by voting please~

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