

Margaret and Aurora were already sleeping soundly in their room in the basement, while the couple upstairs was still cuddling in the bed.

"Happy now, sweetie?" Brent asked, kissing his ladylove's forehead.

Irene looked at him, her eyes sparkled with happiness. "Yes, so much! We're finally together again! It's all that matters to me," she replied sweetly.

Brent planted another kiss on her head. "My mother and I will continue to find ways how to undo the soul switch so that yours and Aurora's souls can go back to your original bodies," he said.

"But how?" Irene asked.

"I will instruct my men to find a healer, wizard, or sorcerer all over the land that is capable of performing the soul switch. I will pay that person a huge reward if she or he can successfully perform the switch between you and Aurora. For the meantime, just bear with Aurora's body," Brent stated gently.
