
Please, Help Me!

After they finished setting the table...

Irene stared at the door of the bathroom, eager to meet the sorcerer's cousin.

Alphard looked at the table, not satisfied... he waved his hand and two more chairs were added, then he also directed his hand at the table, making it bigger and longer.

"Much better!" Satisfied with his handiwork, Alphard lowered himself on the chair.

A few seconds later.

The bathroom door opened and Aurora exited.

Alphard observed the two girls, amazed by the similarity in their appearance. Grinning, he introduced the two girls. "Irene , meet my cousin, Aurora..."

Smiling, Aurora went to Irene's side and extended her hand. "Nice meeting you, Irene!" she said cheerily.

Irene smiled and accepted the woman's hand. "Nice meeting you too," she responded warmly.
