
Where Have You Been?

Brent returned to Adoora's house, just in time to join them for dinner.

They gathered around the table and ate dinner together, although the dishes prepared by the cook were all delicious, the atmosphere around the table is still gloomy and dismal due to Irene's disappearance.

After they finished eating, they retired into the living room and chatted for a few minutes.

Finally, the mother and son bid goodnight to Adoora.

"We're going home now, Mother," Brent said.

"Take care of yourself, Adoora. Rest assured that we will mobilize all our resources just to find Irene faster. We will keep you informed of the daily progress of our search," Margaret said reassuringly.

Tears of gratitude shone in Adoora's eyes. "Thank you so much for coming here and pledging your help for my missing daughter. I appreciated it very much!" she said solemnly.

"Bye... See you soon!" Margaret said.

Brent bid goodbye to Adoora. "Bye... Mother," he said.
