
The Day After the Speech

Showing live on the television screen was a row of young men lining up in military institutions, filing up for conscription the day after Alexander's declaration of war against Europa.

All of them were cheering, laughing, and waving their application form in front of the cameraman hoping that their family and friends, or the whole of Ruthenia would see them fight for their country.

One of the reporters on site interviewed one of the men who were enlisting in the military.

"It's because I love my country, everything is good, the life, the food…I don't want to lose them all!" 

After that, his friends cheered as they huddled together with him. A few cried openly, while others laughed at his expense. The reporter couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm.

One of them even grabbed the microphone and stood in front of the camera. 

"Hello, mama! I'm sorry for sneaking out of the house last night! But don't worry, I'm in good hands," he said.
