
Royal Navy Home Fleet

The Burnyi Class Destroyer carrying the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire sailed out of the Port of London, leaving the other Destroyer behind with the task of protecting the Aleksandr IV Class Battleship until the Baltic Fleet of the Imperial Ruthenian Navy arrived.

Meanwhile, the Baltic Fleet, consisting of one aircraft carrier, two battlecruisers, six destroyers, and two submarines sailed towards the jurisdiction of the Home Fleet of the Britannia Empire.

They were quite near to it considering that the Baltic Fleet has been conducting maritime exercises at the Danish Strait. Though such an act would have been barred by the Danish government as it is not a form of innocent passage, bureaucracy behind the scenes settled between the two, reaching a deal that let the Baltic Fleet of the Ruthenia Empire sail freely in exchange for signing a contract of acquisition of new warships that will boast the naval defense of the Kingdom of Denmark.
