
A Tour Inside IDS Part 6 (Last)

The group walked for about five minutes, going through the administrative section until reaching the showroom, the biggest room the automotive department has in the Imperial Dynamic Systems headquarters. 

From its size alone, it can be easily mistaken as a factory due to its high ceiling and wide space. But it is not, as there are no conveyor belts that transport cargo from one place to another, robotic arms that install or unmount parts of a machine, and factory workers working by. Instead, the open space is occupied by a wide variety of vehicles, from trucks, SUVs, vans, sedans, and motorcycles, all different in style and colors.

It is like a library or a museum of cars, which can be technically correct since the cars are in this showroom are the vehicles Imperial Dynamics Systems has developed and planning to introduce to the market. Not only that, all of the cars in the showroom are brand new, meaning none of them have made their debut on the road.
