
Arrival in Sakhalin

Fifteen hours later, over the airspace of Sakhalin. The P-Orion were still circling off the coast of the Sakhalin Island, hunting Yamato submarines. 

Leonid yawned heavily as he controlled the control yoke of the P-Orion. His back aching from the long hours spent in that chair. He rubbed his eyes wearily with one hand.

"Are there any contacts?" he asked aloud in his comms.

"Negative, sir. All we can hear is fish swimming near the sonobuoy." 

Leonid sighed and muttered to himself.  "Are there only three of them?" 

It's been fifteen hours since they sank the three submarines lurking off the coast of Sakhalin and in those fifteen hours of circling over a specified area, and flying over certain distances, they found nothing other than marine animals wiggling their tails. 
