
I need that girl to be brought to me at once!

As she approached the fields, she noticed that there was some kind of conflict going on in the fields where a big mud pit was.

Suddenly it was as if they began fading in her vision and she was thrown into a state of confusion and oblivion when she noticed something was definitely amiss!!

It was like her vision had upgraded into an X-ray visualizing equipment because she could see their skeletal frame and their organs. However, she noticed one was odd from them all. She had no organs or bones but just a whirlpool of black smoke.

Naomi's first thought was to leave; run far away.

But she found her legs moving towards the track the impostor had taken and she was suddenly chasing after her.

And when she had transformed into that huge dragon, she didn't know, couldn't explain why she didn't feel any single atom of fear but only a sense of familiarity.

When the dragon had flown away, she only felt guilty seeing the others who had landed in the situation because she was following the impostor.

"Aunt…I...I can explain." Her lips quivered as Marcy stood before her, their toes almost touching with how close she stood, sharp visible lines on her forehead as a result of her anger and worry.

"You better do, because one minute you're out to deliver the lunch, I expected you to be back to help prepare dinner, and then you return looking like you've been in a mud pit along with the others. What really happened?"

When Naomi began stuttering out of nervousness, Marcy suddenly got a call.

"It's the Shaman. He's finally arrived." Marcy explained after the 10-second call. Naomi almost sighed in relief when their conversation was cut short as Marcy went off to personally bring in the Shaman.

She ran off to the bathroom and like the others, had a good scrub. While the others healed from the few brusies and scratches they got earlier in the forest, she had her first aid box to aid her.

When she was done, she prepared to go down and make dinner.

As she climbed down, she saw Marcy smiling and talking with a man dressed in what looked like a kimono. However it looked so long, the hem brushed against the ground.

What surprised her mostly was the shaman's beard. It was white like his kimono and was so long, the tip grazed his waist line where a black sash held up his attire.

She was still leaning over the railings, staring at the Shaman and Marcy who didn't realize who was upstairs scrutinizing them when the Shaman suddenly looked up.

Naomi was completely taken aback by the color of his eyes. One was bright blue while the other looked like it was previously blue but had been washed a lot so the color had faded. The discolored eyes also had a sharp scar which exuded a powerful mean aura that caused Naomi to cower away In fear.

The Shaman's brow rose when he noticed someone had been staring ever since he began walking to his room and he looked up to see a masked girl who happened to lock eyes with him before dashing away like a dreanched rat under the merciless rain.

The Shaman frowned and suddenly stopped.

Marcy stopped talking and turned when she realized the Shaman wasn't by her side.

"Is something wrong?" She calmly asked the Shaman, panic rising like tears in her eyes.

The Shaman calmly pointed upstairs, at the railings where Naomi was just leaning against a while ago.

"I need that girl to be brought to me, at once!"

Marcy looked up, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, confusion finally settling in her eyes when she didn't see anyone.

She looked back at the Shaman.


Aside her eyes, all Shamon could remember was that black mask with purple bright star-like designs planted on all sides of it.

He explained this detail to Marcy and Marcy made her upstairs at once, Naomi on her mind.


Naomi bumped into someone just as she was about running. Her mask dropped to the ground and she gasped as she bent to pick it. However, someone else picked It and she glanced up in horror at who it was.


She had a sneer on her face as she boringly stared at the mask before moving her icy glare to Naomi.

"Why do you always wear a mask. Is there some virus you're avoiding or something?" She asked irritably, moving forward only for Naomi to back away again.

Dora froze on seeing her features clearly. Surprise, followed by pure envy and hatred all swirled in her eyes like a pool of emotions when she saw how incrediously beautiful she was. Her gorgeous angelic looks irritated her the more and her hatred grew.

"I'm talking to you!" She suddenly asked, and reached out to grab Naomi's arm which felt like a toothpick under her grip.

Naomi gasped, her face turning red at the grip.

"I...I'm sorry...I…" She could only stammer, hot tears forming in her eyes when Dora increased her grip.

"Why are you acting like such a baby! You didn't act this way when you lured Daniel Into your room, did you. Huh? Tell me!! Maybe you did..." She growled.

Footsteps were heard advancing towards the two. Fearing it might be Daniel, Naomi finally wringed her hand out of her grip and rushed away, leaving her makes behind.

Dora blinked, unable to believe how a common Omega dared run out on her when she wasn't done talking. She gritted her teeth, about to go after her.

